Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!


Probably the most anticipated series of the summer, Orange Is The New Black returned to Netflix on July 27th! Warning, spoilers

orange is the new black saison 6 trailer Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!

QHS, much worse than Litchfield

Our favorite inmates meet in a new place for this sixth season. Indeed, after the mutiny at Litchfield prison, our heroines find themselves at QHS, Litchfield's maximum security prison. It's a completely different atmosphere believe us! We even come to miss the former guards. The inmates were beaten because some of them were considered leaders of the mutiny. QHS is clearly hell on earth. In addition to the classic problems with the guards and the various trafficking, the inmates of the QHS are divided into different blocks. And war reigns between these blocs, especially between blocks C and D. Block B, on the other hand, houses women of a certain age, considered harmless. There are also some lucky ones, such as Doguette and Suzan as well as Sophia. They have clearly been given preferential treatment. Frida attempts suicide because of her problem with sisters Carole and Barbara and ends up in Block B, also called Florida. Blocks C and D, meanwhile, are under the management of the two enemy sisters, who have a very strong resentment for each other

Carole and Barbara, the two sisters terrors

9d9db1e8 d450 438e a361 7eee72f76927 untitled design 1 Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!The two leaders of each bloc. They each have their own little courtyards, their little soldiers. They are real gang leaders. And they've both been in prison for quite a while. Their rivalry is at the center of this new season, it is the factor of the story. The two sisters harbor a violent hatred for each other as they both killed their little sister. Honestly, we have rarely seen two sisters so crazy! And finally, when we realize that their hatred of Frida seems to unite them and make them invincible with an incredibly Machiavellian plan. Only, their grudge takes over and ends up causing them both to die. Finally, were these two characters really necessary in this new season? I'm not sure. They were sorely lacking in charisma and did not trigger empathy in the audience

Caputo and Fig

Fig Caputo Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!Honestly, their story had started rather badly, well let's say rather that there was no story, just a few scenes of sex rather embarrassing. Eventually, Caputo and Linda break up, and Linda returns to Fig. It's one of the only love stories of this new season and it's fun! Caputo seems to have become a good person. He defends Tasty during the trial, and he has a balanced and stable relationship with Fig. They almost live together although she is still married to Jason. What makes us the most excited about their relationship? Let Linda rage. She is unbearable and moreover we are no less unhappy that she had her head shaved because of lice.  


The great absentees of this new season

f1045586 image Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!BUT WHERE IS BOO?What about Maritza, Norma, Carmen and Yoga? This new season certainly brings us new interesting heroines, such as Daddy, Badysson and many others. But we still miss these inmates of the Litchfield minimum security prison. In addition, we notice that as in season 5, Piper and Alex take a back seat. Just like Red, who by the way, does not really deserve his nickname since the correction inflicted by the goalkeeper Piscatella. 


A marriage in prison

orange is the new black les vraies piper et alex se dechirent Review "Orange is The New Black" season 6: destination the QHS!Alex and Pipier got engaged at the end of the 5th season and they finally said yes in prison, with pieces of key chains as wedding rings. It is Nicky who will marry them, in the presence of Lorna. It was almost moving although picturesque, it must be said. What worries us is that now Piper is going to get out of jail and Alex seems to have returned to his old gangster habits to protect Piper from Badisson. 

We could have told you about many other things during this season: the trial, the corruption of the guards and the police, the trafficking in prisons, Lorna's pregnancy, Blanca's false release to go to prison migrants, etc. This season was really much richer than the others from a content point of view. However, history has changed little, it must be admitted. What was heralded as a new beginning for Orange Is The New Black remained, like the series recently, disappointing. With Piper finally out of prison, isn't the circle complete? Shouldn't the series stop here? Season 7 has already been ordered, well before the broadcast of season 6 by the way.

Once again, Netflix seems to have disappointed with this new season of Orange Is The New Black. What do you think? Are you waiting for this new season or do you think it's one season too many?Do you think the seventh season will be the last?