The next releases expected at Panini Comics


February releases of Panini Comics: 

Captain America The Complete 1974. The continuation of the complete hero with the star-spangled banner. We enter the golden age of the 70s with Englehart, Friedrich, and Buscema. Captain America and the Falcon Fight the Secret Empire Terrorist Organization (240 pages, €32.00).

Secret Empire, big event of Marvel, it is the new crossover (several series and therefore superheroes meet for the same story) published, among others, in the magazine on newsstands Secret Empire (128 pages at 5.90 €): Captain America, symbol of righteousness and the United States has chosen to join the Hydra, a secret group of the extreme right. How will the other heroes act? This series has been deeply rooted in political reality since Trump's election. It is also a tribute to the episodes of the previous integral.

Captain America: Steve Rogers who is dating Spencer and Saiz at the same time is a way to understand the starting point of the crossover (176 pages, €18.00).

Of course in connection with the release of the film, Panini took the opportunity to publish several stories. This is a unique chance to reread stories never before translated into France:

Black Panther: The Complete 1966-1975. This volume of a very good quality brings together the first appearance of The Black Panther among the Fantastic 4 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby then cult episodes of Don McGregor in Jungle Action which gave a political aura to one of the first African-American heroes (260 pages, 32,00 €).

Black Panther, Who is the Black Panther? This 2005 story by Hudlin and Romita Jr brilliantly revisits the origins of the Black Panther (152 pages, €17.50). We can also discover this hero by the anthology I am Black Panther (320 pages, 25,00 €)

Thor: God of Thunder is a graphic splendor of Aaron and Ribic where Thor is confronted by the Slaughterer of Gods (248 pages, €30.00).

The Caid of Rosenberg, Torres. The Caid, recurring enemy of Spider-Man and especially Daredevil tells his memories to a journalist. It is a magnificent visual work on a character quite badly treated in the TV series (120 pages, 15,00 €).

Infinity Gauntlet by Starlin, Pérez and Lim. In connection with the upcoming release of the film, Panini republishes this major story of the 90s. Thanos, who has recovered the Infinity Gauntlet is ready to do anything to seduce his great maour, Death (272 pages, 25,00 €).


For a complete list of Panini Comics releases, you can follow this link.


Coming up in March:

bill sienkiewicz new mutants header The next releases expected at Panini Comics

Marvel Generations 1 is a new magazine that tells us the meeting between the former heroes and those who replaced them (104 pages, 5.90 €).

Defenders 1 by Bendis and Marquez allows you to find the heroes of the latest Netflix and Marvel series (128 pages, €15.00). We can also find the sequel to Jessica Jones with Bendis, Gaydos which had marked a revival of Marvel comics (144 pages, 15,00 €).

Despite the delay of the film, Panini capitalizes on the news and offers us the chance to find adventures not found for years of the New Mutants:

New Mutants: The Complete 1982-83. Driven by the success of X-Men, Claremont imagines a new series of mutants with McLeod and Buscema. The X-Men gone, Charles Xavier decides to protect young teenagers but will they be heroes up to the task? (312 pages, €32.00).

Panini also published an anthology, We Are the New Mutants (320 pages, €25.00) and especially the splendid episodes of Bill Sienkiewicz: X-Men: The New Mutants by Claremont/Sienkiewicz. Watch out, this is a masterpiece (520 pages, €36.00).

Secret Avengers by Remender 1 (out of 2) with Hardman, Guedes. Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers recruits Agent Venom to fight against the strongest power in the universe, the Phoenix. A nice adventure of a secondary team of the Avengers (176 pages, 20,00 €).

For a complete list of releases, you can follow this link.