Turf brings a new stone to his kingdom with this eleventh volume of The Nave of Fools. Enter the palace with the two most clumsy investigators of Eauxfolles in Coup de théâtre.
A wobbly but not trivial kingdom
Both writer and artist, Turf is totally master of this series apart who has definitively left the shores of logic and moves further and further away from the beaches of seriousness to prefer to dock in the continent of the absurd. This new volume is a new proof. After witnessing a turkey attack and dismantling a wild culture of coloquintes, we enter the tragic in this eleventh volume published on June 16 with the kidnapping of the Queen in Eauxfolles. The disappearance took place in the palace theater during a performance by the magician Hidinou. Strangely, the investigation is conducted by Pacôme Leboulet and Célestin Parfait, two pages in charge of the maintenance of the palace. But they are inspectors Baltimore and Bonvoisin. To be free of their actions, they (badly) disguised themselves and (badly) made themselves false papers. Indeed, Bonvoisin does not intend to let the investigation of the century be stolen by Inspector Roussin. The investigators follow the obligatory passages of the thriller: pass the ribbon delimiting the crime scene, look for clues, find a suspect… But at every step, there is a problem. Baltimore vanishes during reconstitution. Worse, Bonvoisin's logic flourishes dangerously with bad faith and most likely leads to a miscarriage of justice. The nave of fools never takes itself seriously. The laughter often comes from dialogues like Sergeant Bonvoisin who, having rarely shown malice, is convinced that he is too intelligent to pass for a page. The diversity of vocabulary between two boxes amuses while the parody of a police report in dialogue hits the mark. The images are not to be outdone like this scrubber running down the steps of the palace without control but with Baltimore and Bonvoisin as a passenger.
A growing kingdom
This series is published since the first volume by Delcourt and the whole forms a vast saga that delights fans. Moreover, each page has a double numbering: that of the volume and that of the saga since the first volume. We will also find King Clement XVII in pajamas and his treacherous (ex-) advisor Ambroise Marcellus although they remain in the background to make room for duos of blundering policemen. We find the running gag of their car accident. Turf offers itself more and more freedom. He has fun pasticher Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper in a box but above all, as indicated by the summary on the back of the book, the screenwriter has totally upset the chronology by starting with chapter two before placing the first part in the form of a shadow theater. This part is strange because the scenario multiple false tracks to (not) tell the murder. Graphically, these pages are also separate. Not only do we see mostly black silhouettes, but the colorization and inking are also different from the rest of the book. This eleventh volume is also an opportunity to discover little-known compartments of La naf des fous. We visit the jails accompanied by Inspector Roussin and a new body of state appears with the podespo, the police of the police. You who enter Eauxfolles abandon all logic and let yourself embark in The Nave of Fools by this eleventh volume. The neophyte will sometimes be a little lost but once he has laughed, he will be conquered and will want to know more. You can also find on this link the review of volume 9 of this series as well as the one on Selenia, another absurd work.