Justice League Icons: Our Review at Urban Comics


Justice League Icons has just been published by Urban Comics. Our review.

Urban Comics gives us a big release with Justice League Icons. Entirely drawn by Alex Ross and written with Paul Dini (Batman: TAS), the book includes four stories. They are each entirely devoted to a character to end on an adventure out of continuity of the Justice League.


Superman – Peace on Earth

On Christmas Day, Superman brings a huge tree into the heart of Metropolis. Like every year, the crowd rushes to cheer him. He answers journalists' questions when suddenly he hears the cry of a little girl…

Batman – War on Crime

Randall Winters wants to improve the image of the industrial district of Bayside by building luxury housing and shops. To do this, he presented Wayne Enterprises with a major project. Bruce Wayne is not fooled by this proposal. He knows the neighborhood well, very frequented by thugs and the Black Knight …


Captain Marvel – The Power of Hope

Billy Batson works in a radio station where he praises the merits and exploits of Captain Marvel. What no one knows is that Billy is actually Captain Marvel!

Wonder Woman – The Spirit of Truth

The Amazon is busy in the world of men, between the various rescues and arrests of criminals. Nevertheless, she feels out of place on Earth. Is it because she is a woman?

The Justice League – Secret Origins

The Pentagon opens its doors to Wonder Woman and the Martian Manhunter. Indeed, a serious epidemic is raging in Africa. I contacted the other members of the JLA to intervene.


When art rubs shoulders with the divine…

What strikes first in these stories is the simplification. Indeed, here you will not find supervillains but much more realistic events. Alex Ross' goal is above all to humanize superheroes and bring them closer to our current world. As such, Superman becomes much more human and activist by feeding the entire planet for a day. Batman, meanwhile, opens up a little more about the world around him, especially when he meets a young black child who has just lost his parents. Wonder Woman faces male violence against women while Captain Marvel is forced to threaten a father who beats his son. Together with Paul Dini, we return to the origins of our favorite heroes by discovering their deep purpose: to help others. Discovering their inner voices plunges the reader into a position of decision-maker of the narrative, which does a lot of good in a world that is usually quite stereotypical.

On the drawing side, we reach with this work the pinnacle of the ninth art. Alex Ross is a god in the world of drawing and Justice League Icons is here to prove it. Through ultra-realistic paintings, the artist delivers here an exceptional work. Each character who goes under his pencil comes out grown and transformed. The full pages without dialogues allow Alex Ross to let loose with dazzling boards. And what about the drawings that accompany the history dedicated to the JLA? Just the beginning in monochrome colors encourages the reader that we are to turn the pages and discover even more. Art has rarely reached this peak in the world of comics and we would be very unhappy to miss it!

Urban Comics offers us here a splendid book in its DC Deluxe collection. It is a 416-page block that we can discover and just at the sight of the cover, our fan eyes are conquered! As a bonus, lots of anecdotes and beautiful little things in the continuity of what the publisher offers us.


In conclusion
Not owning Justice League Icons is a mistake that you need to fix quickly. Indeed, in addition to remarkable stories, it is above all the drawings that take us to the guts. Alex Ross and Paul Dini deliver here a remarkable book, which will fill fans of the DC Comics stable with happiness. For others, it's a great opportunity to immerse themselves in a universe that holds a thousand and one secrets…


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