Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the dream encounter explodes everything


Encounters between cinematic or comic universes (or crossovers) are very common. In some cases, these stories are great success stories, but in others, they are mere excuses to create a buzz. When TV heroes, the Power Rangers, cook pizza with cartoon heroes, the Ninja Turtles, does the recipe work?

From Powers rangers to ninja turtles

Ryan Parrott being the regular writer of the Power Rangers comics, we find the spirit from the beginning with a fight against a masked troop of ninjas and a big monster but also humor in the second degree – the name and ridiculous design of the monster Apocalyptipoulpe, the jokes of the heroes during the fight. However, the group is incomplete as Tommy disappeared to solve personal problems. While the turtles fight ninjas at night, it is discovered that the green Power Ranger has joined the football clan. It is this character who provokes the meeting and, by a misunderstanding, between the two teams. Tommy wants to defend a childhood friend. In a powerful cliffhanger at the end of the first episode, the reader discovers that Shredder knows everything and manipulates Tommy to reclaim the power of the Power Rangers. Parrott appropriates the world of Turtles very well. It is necessarily Donnie, the geek of the group, who is a fan of the Power Rangers. It is inspired by the cartoon adaptation more than in the recent comics. First a fight The fully digital drawing can initially disturb with a very flat and fine relief but the composition of the pages very dynamic, the very refined shape of the bodies and decorations is totally adapted to this action story. The many battles are conducive to the upheaval of prospects. We can also highlight the colorization work of Walter Baiamonte who does not hesitate to multiply bright colors while contrasting them with a black very present sometimes.

An unexpected crossover

After Rick & Morty vs Dungeons & Dragons, this latest release of Hi comics offers a new unlikely encounter. The origin of the series differs because the Turtles are originally a comic while the Power Rangers were a television series. Ninjas are a family of animal mutants while colorful heroes are human and have a secret identity. But, while we think that these universes are very different, the screenwriter Ryan Parrott begins by discreetly highlighting links between these groups of heroes. In the team, each hero has different weapons even if there is a collective spirit between them (family or camaraderie). Everyone has a battle cry. Both are inspired by or come from Asia. Finally, they are both excellent series unknown in France. The turtles are published by Hi comics and the Power Rangers by Glénat.

From meeting to merging heroes

To finish with the union There are obligatory passages of crossovers. The first meeting of the teams necessarily begins as a fight before they ally, but this does not prevent the competition between the scientists of each team. Each compares their weirdest enemies while bumping into ninjas. Moreover, the enemies of the two series also ally when Empress Rita discovers that Shredder has manipulated a medallion. She allies herself with Shredder even if everyone also affirms his differences. However, the story goes further because the simple meeting is pushed to the point of mixing that makes the dream of some eighties children come true. The heroes must reverse their modes of action when some must be discreet, and others act in public. From a sympathetic crossover, the reading offers a regressive moment hyper enjoyable. Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a huge success. This meeting is not just a display but a fun story. This fan's dream also allows the neophyte to learn more about both universes. The two teams move over the episodes of the fight to a fairly classic collaboration before leading to an unexpected merger. Simone di Meo's bouncing drawing offers a very pleasant read and the designs of some costumes are a great success. Never satisfied, the satisfied reader will be able to start reading the too little known Ninja Turtles and discover the articles of JustFocus on this series.