O'Sullivan T1 Mary-Maë: In the footsteps of a mysterious family story


Fleeing the great famine of 1847, Mary-Maë boarded a boat for the new world, like millions of other compatriots. Over the centuries, the O'Sullivan line will survive to this day in Jim, the last of the O'Sullivans. Writer known for his fantasy novels, he will embark on an important genealogical research following the death of his father. This is how he will come across a "founder" family secret of his lineage and will go back in time to find answers.

A fairly typical scenario

It is not uncommon to find in the literature shelves many novels or comics on the theme of the great famine and the Irish emigrating to America to settle there. It is also insignificant to read stories about descendants who visit their ancestral land in search of links or answers about their ancestors. This album features both. https://www.ligneclaire.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/sullivan.jpeg But O'Sullivan T1 doesn't just present a typical scenario. The authors manage to convey to readers these feelings and feelings that a person may have when he seeks to know his family past. Even if the theme is often revisited, the reader nevertheless remains hooked on the story. The comic captures the reader's mind not only through its drawings but also through an intriguing story and characters. We want to know what happens to Mary-Maë during her travels. What strikes the reader in the drawing of the characters are their eyes. They are of lightning intensity. From Mary-Maë to Jim or Rosie, their eyes and expressions are unforgettable. The drawing style is classic and realistic, which is the charm of O'Sullivan.

Finding the "key" to the O'Sullivans' past secrets

Throughout history, a key will be a common thread. Jim is looking for this key that Mary-Maë brought with her from the old continent. He seeks to elucidate the mystery that surrounds him. What treasure does it open? What is this famous family secret? This key is not only an object to be found, but it can be interpreted as a metaphor. Anyone who holds the key to his past, can fully face his future? It's up to the readers. One thing is certain, O'Sullivan' s story progresses naturally and organically and the reader never has a dull moment. An asset of the script design is the way the authors approach the story. They alternate between the past and the future quite often and the story is told from the point of view of the descendant. The reader may wonder if this version of Mary-Maë that is presented is the true version, it is the whole nuance of a reconstruction of archives and research. We cannot be sure of anything about the family past. O'Sullivan T01 by Marc-renier, Rodolphe, 1ver2anes - Album | Editions Delcourt What is a bit unfortunate is that despite everything, the reader has the feeling that Mary-Maë is only a secondary character in the album intended for her. She keeps her mystery, her secrets and her emotions to herself without really making herself known to readers. We have the impression of knowing it only superficially, which can impact the interest of the reader. Is this an express choice on the part of the authors? Maybe we'll find out more in O'Sullivan 's next volumes? On the other hand, the development of Jim's character and his passion for family history keep the interest. In any case, the album is a bit like a detective story: a slow and natural progression of the story, an excellent plot and ends with a suspense that makes readers want to know more. They feel invested in this mystery around the O'Sullivan family. To sum up: here is an excellent first album that deserves its place in the library of lovers of historical comics.