[Criticism] So Far from the Sun of Morgan of Glencoe


Nugget alert! Si loin du soleil is the 1st volume of the saga "La dernier Geste". For a first edition, Morgan of Glencoe hit hard and made us discover ITS universe. A world made of magic, steampunk, Breton and Japanese influences, very well crafted. Mixed with a plot that will crescendo, you can only devour this first novel of the author.

A fantasy book with multiple references

For centuries, humans have treated fairies, magical creatures, as dangerous animals.The alliance of the Kingdom of France, the Empire of Japan and the Ottoman Sultanate now divides Europe, Asia and Africa.These ferocious aristocracies oppress their peoples and crush in blood any revolt, whether human or fairy.

Nekohaima Yuri, Japanese princess suffocates in her role as an aristocrat with a clear destiny. She watches, impassively, the repression made on the "little people" and is no longer even surprised by the assassination attempts on their person. At the age of 20, her father intended her for the Dauphin of France in order to strengthen the alliance of the 2 kingdoms. Despite his submission, when given the opportunity to escape his protocol, Yuri will not hesitate for a second! She will discover a world at odds with the one in which she grew up. A world that shatters his prejudices, Yuri will free himself from his princess shackles and develop a friendship as surprising as it is unexpected. But her destiny as a betrothed to the Kingdom of France will catch up with her and jeopardize the world's greatest powers. 

Morgan of Glencoe: a promising author

Morgan of Glencoe, a young 28-year-old author, signs here his first novel. His writing opens on a rich world with multiple influences. A world made of fantasy, with steampunk, Celtic and Japanese universes. So Far from the Sun is a universe filled with humans, fairies and fantastic creatures of all kinds.The author, with an overflowing imagination, also offers in his 1st novel a real message of tolerance. Through the eyes of Princess Yuri, the author breaks prejudices and kicks the anthill of social clichés. 

A 1st Volume whose action is crescendo and which spares no one! Enough to titillate the reader who closes the last page wondering what awaits him on the next 4 volumes of the saga.

A downloadable book on Amazon: So Far from the Sun by Morgan of Glencoe and an author to follow on his Facebook page.