Discover the other side of La Francophonie in Éléments de langage


An essential tool of the power of France in the world, the organization of La Francophonie is nevertheless very little known. To learn more, observe how it works from the inside and the political shenanigans of the powers to keep power in Éléments de langage, Cacophonie en Francophonie.

Behind the scenes of the languageBehind the political scenes of La Francophonie

Published by La Boîte à Bulles, Cacophonie en Francophonie is the story of a witness. Indeed, screenwriter Bertin Blanc got to know the Francophonie from the inside by becoming spokesperson for the Secretary General, the Canadian native of Haiti Michaëlle Jean. Strangely, a friend had advised him not to take the job and the early days seem to prove him right. The old PR team doesn't want him. He has indeed passed to the other side. This Quebecer started in America as a Canadian Liberal MP and then a journalist and producer for Radio Canada. Then he came to France to participate in the founding of France 24. By becoming spokesperson for La Francophonie, he was immersed in the frenzy of international congresses, travelled the world and found himself in the midst of heads of state. However, as a novice in the field, Bertin doubted his skills. He discovers that this linguistic organization is above all a high place of politics. African countries emerging from civil war come to seek help. In addition, a dull tension announces a storm approaching. Michaëlle Jean is coming to the end of her mandate. Very active and always optimistic, she is convinced to be renewed because she has been able to modernize and put forward the organization but nothing will go as planned.

Suspense in the FrancophoniePresidency and Francophonie

Although based on real events, Elements of Language then becomes a political thriller around a personal issue: will Michaëlle Jean be re-elected? The regionalist Quebec press began to investigate work in a staff apartment and created a scandal. She is losing Justin Trudeau's support while Macron is tired of his commitment. The script does not aim at journalistic precision but is committed to this honest and whole woman who tries to use her position to publicize causes. However, do not imagine that Cacophonie en Francophonie is a pensum of geopolitics. This comic is first and foremost a comedy. Paul Gros, a graphic designer by training, draws his first comic book here. Its round line reinforces the humor and places Elements of Language in the register of political farce. Its large boxes, the deliberately raw line and reduced to the essentials energize reading. Bertin is a Candide who allows the neophyte to understand everything and laugh about it. We smile to see a country still at war deploy the most gleaming pomp to welcome the delegation of La Francophonie. Macron does not emerge from the portrait drawn by Bertin Blanc. Michaëlle Jean is very talkative, elated and some of her advisors seem transparent. Bertin Blanc also struggles to adapt to the codes of communication and diplomacy. Cacophonie en Francophonie is also the portrait of the screenwriter. We see his brothers and sisters, his children. His father died the same day he took office. Bertin Blanc invites you to discover the nooks and crannies of the world organization of La Francophonie in Éléments de langage. We dive with humor into the hectic daily life of a press officer at a key moment of the association. We understand the political stakes of an appointment and the surprises of a global campaign. You can find on the following links columns on other comics inspired by real facts with Americana and Erdogan.