[Criticism] Injustice: Urban Comics' Ground Zero: A Successful Media Change


Injustice: Ground Zero is a two-volume series that tells the story of the first game Injustice – Gods among us. The adaptation of the video game into comics is quite successful.

Injustice – Gods among us is a fighting game released in 2013 for PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U. Players take on the role of the heroes of the DC Comics franchise and fight against each other. In this parallel world, Superman has become the dictator of the entire planet. To definitively eliminate any conflict, he imposes his peace with his fists. Batman is the leader of the resistance: he and some allies try to regain control of this dystopia. How did we get to this point? In Injustice: Ground Zero Volume 1, Harley Quinn serves as narrator. The former psychiatrist has joined Batman's camp and is now fighting on the side of the good guys. She tells a mysterious listener how the Joker destroyed the world. The supervillain tricked Superman, leading him to kill Lois Lane and destroy Metropolis. The hero then went crazy. He assassinates the Joker and takes power. Harley Quinn, freed from the control of her former lover, is recruited by the resistance.

Injustice: Ground Zero

A convincing transition

Urban Comics is not at its first attempt. The publisher already publishes a comic book series based on the Injustice video games. The eponymous comics tell the rest of the video game story. Injustice: Ground Zero remains faithful to the game's storyline. This cross-media technique (the adaptation of a story on different media) makes it possible to reach different audiences, and therefore to win a new clientele. The transition from the game to comics does not distort the scenario or the aesthetics. We obviously lose interactivity but we find the spirit of the video game in the graphics and the representation of battles. The cutting of the pages is a little chaotic and can be confusing, but it has the merit of visually transcribing the madness of the main character. The actions follow one another quickly and the mystery is present.

We are looking forward to the second and final volume of this series. It will be published on April 13, 2018 by Urban Comics. You can now order volume 1 by following this link.