Published by Glénat, the exploration continues in the third volume of Colonization. The matrix tree reveals a little more about the mysterious disappearances of settlers.
Space, the ultimate frontier
In thetwenty-first century, Earth set out to conquer space with the help of an extraterrestrial people, the Atils and their technology. An agency is tasked with finding the ships lost before this encounter. For two volumes, Milla and her team of recuperators follow signals but without finding the slightest trace of life. Who can be in control of this maneuver? Are they the Atils or the Skimmers, these raiders of space?
Alien friends too secret
This volume will be decisive in answering this question. The reader happily follows a group led by redhead Milla Aygon in this science fiction and exploration series that can be reminiscent of the Worlds of Aldebaran or Star Trek. In The Matrix Tree, the group will have to survive on a planet hidden by the Atils and will make many discoveries – a library that gathers all human knowledge, a god-tree as in Avatar. Vincenzo Cucca enjoys drawings by highlighting extraterrestrial landscapes or space bases. Its classic style reads nicely with a different layout on each page. We can only regret that the drawings are small and the colors a little dull – instead of being bright as this planet should be.
Explorers vs. Skimmers
The visit of this planet will make better understand who are the explorers and what are the motivations of the Atils. Dennis-Pierre Filippi upset the balance of power in Colonization. The explorers are allied with the Atils against the wreck-robbing Skimmers but is it that simple? Xenophobia sets in with these new discoveries. The reality is always more complicated than we see. Tensions are rising against some Atils. To make readers understand, the screenwriter uses dialogues but some are far from necessary. The matrix tree is a real thunderbolt that brings into play everything the reader knew about the Colonization saga. The very foundations of galactic colonization and at the same time the fate of all humanity are at stake. Milla Aygon's group of explorers has lost its bearings and the next volume may be explosive…