Video Games: "Days Gone" celebrates its first anniversary!


When we talk about Sony exclusives, the names of The Last of Us and Ghost of Tsushima come up very often in these times of confinement. However, we forget that the Days Gone exclusive was released just a year ago and that this game, despite its many flaws, deserves much more attention.  To remind you what Days Gone is, it tells the story of biker Deacon St John, determined to survive against hordes of zombies. Never before had the word "horde" been so aptly named in such a game. At the release, the title of Bend Studios had divided the critics who reproached it for its incredible number of bugs and this despite a big patch at its launch. Not to mention a very slow start. Nevertheless, as the months went by, Days Gone acted like wine and improved over time. It's not perfect, but you might like the experience.

What is the overall score?

To mark its anniversary, the developers unveiled an infographic on Twitter. This one makes it possible to measure the actions carried out by the players since its release on April 26, 2019. 200 million hours spent playing the hero Deacon St. John. In addition, one million photos were taken. Also, it is reported that 45 million Hordes have been removed, 32 million nests cleared, 30 million ambush camps neutralized, and 30 million NERO checkpoints visited. A hell of a score! This proves that Days Gone has some popularity with gamers. Recall that for now, Bend Studios is working on another title and recruiting. A future announcement for a sequel to Days Gone on PS5 in the coming days?