Epic Games makes gamers happy by offering them Civilization VI


The Epic Games Store announces good news to gamers; the game Civilization VI is available for free on their website. It's not the first to be offered and maybe not the last either…

Civilization VI free until May 28

After last week's offer of Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition as part of its Mega Sales, it's Civilization VI's turn to be available at no cost. The strategy game was also very popular when it was released in October 2016. To get it, you just have to go to the Epic Games Store. You will not pay any penny if the classic version is enough for you against 59.99 € usually. If you prefer to own the premium version, a special price of € 39.99 is assigned instead of € 79.99 on the shop.

Civilization VI will remain free until May 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Of course, once the game is acquired, no time limit will apply, it will be yours forever!

Other free games planned?

May 28 at 5pm will also be the moment of truth on rumors that persist. For now they are right about GTA V and Civilization VI. If we continue to believe them, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection should be the next free-to-play game on the list. The following week, it would be Ark: Survival Evolved that would be offered.

Let's wait until next week to be sure. Let's cross our fingers until then, hoping these rumors turn out to be true!