Culottées is an animated mini-series available on since March 6, 2020. The idea is to transmit the values of feminism through women of all origins and who have lived at different times, who have changed, in their own way, the vision of society towards women and have contributed to the freedoms they possess today.
The series inspired by comics
Pénélope Bagieu's drawings for Culottées were first published on the website of the newspaper Le Monde in the form of a blog which was active from January 2016 to October 2016. It then became a comic book series divided into two volumes and drawn by the same artist. Each book depicts the lives of 15 women who had to defend themselves from the social norms and patriarchy imposed by society in their time, but also according to the countries in which they lived. Women have had to defy many prohibitions by taking risks. The portraits of these warriors are inspiring and always relevant, which is what makes these books historical and timeless. The mini-series takes the 30 women of the two volumes and makes a remarkable adaptation.
An educational and pedagogical series
The series has been broadcast since March on France 5 and in replay on, the episodes are very short, 3 minutes 30 on average. There are 30 of them representing the 30 female personalities highlighted in the books. In addition to being interesting, this series has a huge advantage: it is educational. The minimum age to enjoy it is 8 years old. The visual makes it possible to capture the attention of the youngest while transmitting very current values such as gender equality or altruism. And of course, it is essential to emphasize the other message conveyed: always believe in your dreams and do everything to achieve them. Unfortunately, there is no volume 3 planned for the artist. Will the series continue with a season 2? That is the question. We leave you now with an episode available on the YouTube channel of France Tv Slash. Hope you like the series as much as we do.