Once Upon A Time: Lily the Tigress in season 6


Once Upon A Time continues the introduction of new characters in these episodes. Season 6 will see the appearance of Lily the Tigress, played by Sara Tomko, a character from the world of Peter Pan. 

We announced the arrival of the character of Lily the Tigress in the series Once Upon a Time. According to the fairy tale, Lily the Tigress is a princess of the Native American tribe living on the island of Neverland (Neverland). She is known to have had a soft spot for Peter Pan and to have been tormented by Captain Hook. She will also integrate the series thanks to the latter. 

Indeed, due to his complicated past, Captain Hook/Hook (played by Colin O'Donoghue) has left behind a long line of opponents. Lily the Tigress is one of them, and her appearance will upset the efforts of Hook who has been trying, as best he can, to redeem himself for some time. 

Once Upon A Time will begin the second part of its season 6 on March 5 with episode 11, while Lily the Tigress will appear in episodes 17 and 18.