Released in 2019, the Netflix series Dans leur regard (from the original title When they see us) is talking about her. Written by Ava DuVernay, the mini-series is unfortunately still relevant. Co-produced by the famous Robert De Niro, Oprah Winfrey and many others, this series based on a true story traces the journey of five young black people wrongly accused of murdering and raping a jogger in Central Park.
A world-famous case
1989. Aged 14 to 16, Kevin, Antron, Yusef, Raymond and Korey take part in a gathering of Harlem youth in the famous Central Park park, in the heart of New York. What they don't know yet is that this simple gathering will turn their lives upside down. Transcribing the lives of these five young black boys, Dans leur regard denounces a racist and corrupt judicial system. Through five different points of view, Ava DuVernay invites us to discover the underside of a court and different penitentiaries. This mini-series gives rise to various feelings such as rage, sadness, compassion and especially indignation. The incomprehension also, of these five innocent teenagers. The writer and co-producer makes it a point of honor to make feel the anger that the families of the victims and the black people of the United States may have felt during all these years. An anger that people of color unfortunately continue to feel. Young then adults, during the trial, then incarcerated and finally free, the journey of these five young people is perfectly transcribed. This mini-series allows us to live, 31 years later, the daily life of these young people and their families. It makes us open our eyes and makes us want to fight so that this kind of injustice is not repeated.
When things don't change
Unfortunately, 31 years later, nothing has changed. The American judicial system has not changed a bit, nor has French, or very little. Witness the murder of Adama Traoré in France 4 years ago, or more recently the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Two victims among many, killed by white policemen. How many men and women of color have been imprisoned or worse, wrongly killed? People of color have had enough, leading to the creation of the " Black lives matter" movement, to be translated as "Black Lives Matter." Born in 2013 on Twitter, the movement has recently taken on a global scale. Events including thousands of people including celebrities, donations with astronomical sums, sharing on social networks … Things are moving, and it's not a moment too soon. However, this is not enough. "Black lives matter" is not just now. It is an everyday struggle, which no one should forget or give up. Allow persecuted communities to enjoy the rights they are too often deprived. And above all, to prevent the story of the "Central Park Five" from repeating itself again. In their eyes, it's available on Netflix. To become aware of the current situation, to understand their history.
Trailer In Their Eyes