Empire: All the promo videos of season 3!


The countdown is on: only two weeks left to find the biggest family in the rap industry at the head of the Empire, the Lyon family! 

The wait is unbearable but the long-awaited day is fast approaching: on September 21, the third season of Empire will finally begin and to prepare us, Fox does not hesitate to disclose many – but short – videos!

After announcing that Mariah Carey will be in the third season of its hit series, Empire, Fox is once again betting on impeccable communication: promo photos, videos, trailers , etc. In short, everything is there to make the expectation of the return of this excellent series (which was in the ranking of the best series of our editorial team) even more euphoric! 

Empire season 3

That's how the JustFocus Series team decided to share their excitement by grouping all the promos into one article.Many videos include moments from season 2 mixed with unpublished passages from season 3, so beware of the spoliers…But it's worth it! 

The first is called "Cookie is back for her family" and sets the tone for a season that seems electric. Especially from the point of view of his relationship with Lucious! 


It's always been Cookie and Lucious. Through crime, imprisonment, bloodshed…But no matter what happens, we always find our way back to the other. – Lucious

("It's always been Cookie and Lucious. Through crime, punishment, bloodshed. No matter what, we always find our way back together," )

The second video is called "Lucius Lyon is back" and very briefly exposes the dangers the family will face.


It's not just about business. Our whole heritage is at stake! – Lucious

("It's ain't just about business. Our entire legacy is at stake.")

Still in the same style, the third video is called "Jamal Lyon is back" and lifts the veil on one of the questions asked during the final season of season 2, namely if Jamal would sing again. 


I don't want to make music anymore…Unless it has a specific meaning. -Jamal

("I don't want to make music anymore, unless it means something")

The fourth video is entitled "Kill or be killed" and reveals the drama side of the new season. This is also the first video where we see Mariah Carey


We will fight fire with fire! -Cookie.

("We will fight fire with fire")

The fifth video "Keys to the kingdom" reminds us that the Empire is always targeted by enemies.


Everything I've done, I've done to protect our heritage. They come to pick us up…We will show them how dark we can be.

Finally, the latest "Legacy" trailer gives a glimpse of the new season: Lucious trying to get closer to Cookie and all the Lyons gathering to protect the Empire. In this video, we also see the first meeting between Lucious and Cookie when they were young.


It will very quickly become ugly. I will come after your family. Your children. – Tariq.


The first episode of this third season which will be called "Light in Darkness" will pick up the series exactly where we left it in season 2. We will discover which of Anika or Rhonda survived, how Lucius will manage his new relationship with his half-brother who is a federal agent and who wants to stop him, the evolution of the Cookie/Lucious relationship that took a new turn when the latter had married, at the last minute, Anika in order to minimize the dangers. And finally, we will finally learn if Jamal will keep his promise to stop singing!

All this, on September 21st!