Apple TV+ enriches its catalog with a new animated series, Central Park, available since May 29 on the platform. Central Park is halfway between a musical and an animated series. The series follows the adventures and adventures of the four members of the Thillerman family. Father Owen, manager of Central Park, his wife Paige, and their two children Molly and Cole. Together they will have to save the New York park threatened to be transformed into a housing complex by Bitsy Brandenham, the terrible and rich heiress.
"We wondered what it meant if Central Park was in danger," says Loren Bouchard. What does a park represent? What does public space represent? We have this discussion throughout the episodes. Yes, it's a comedy, but what's happening there is not nothing. It's a big deal. She [Bitsy Brandenham, the antagonist of the program, ed.] wants to buy this huge public space and capitalize on it, because she doesn't see its value or what it symbolizes, but the Tillermans know deep that the park has value as a public place and we wanted to dig into that. Not to make a new Parks and Recreation, but to think bigger and try to understand the world we live in through this conflict."
Central Park : Who is behind the characters?
If the characters are funny and endearing, the voice cast is not left out. Behind this new creation by Loren Bouchard (Bob's Burger) hides some of the headliners we have seen in other series. In the main roles, we find, in particular, Leslie Odom Jr. (Harriet) as Owen Kristen Bell (The Good Place) who plays both Paige and Molly and Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) as Cole. Central Park, is one of the few series to shine by the miscegenation and diversity of its characters. Which is not so common in animation. It also marks another good point with Molly's speech at the same time political, social and feminist. The first season will have 13 episodes, lasting 20 to 25 minutes. A season two is already planned by the platform which has directly ordered 26 episodes. The series will be broadcast exclusively on the Apple TV+ platform.