Younès, the double news

DROLE 2022 serie TV creee par Fanny Herrero saison 1 Younes Boucif Jean Siuen Mariama Gueye. Prod DB © Mika Cotellon - Netflix

Younès, the Rouen rapper, is back with not one, but two beautiful news. We reveal everything to you.

A new title

Younès is first of all a rapper full of talent who makes his place in the world of rap with punchlines as worked as sharp. Close and childhood friend of Rilès, he is signed and evolves within the label Rilesundayz. It is through his work and determination that the artist stands out. His new song " VLA LES PROBLÈMES " confirms this. Medina is also of our opinion since it is at his side that the title takes life. When two punchliners cross swords, we meet Paul Bismuth, Trump and Eric Zemmour. We don't tell you more. What we can tell you is that Younès is preparing his first album and it promises to be full of surprises!

A Netflix series

Younès has more than one string to his bow since we find him in a Netflix series, "Funny", by the creator of "10%". He embodies the main character and narrates the daily life of a stand upper. Character who is also very close to Younès the rapper. The series is already available, so we advise you to binge watch as soon as possible. ae845fd 646809214 drole serie tv 2022 s1 04 Younès, the double news