Kerredine Soltani tells her story with the stunning First Line


Kerredine Soltani is back on Justfocus with Première Ligne, her new music video. With this new single, the singer, but also a well-known songwriter and lyricist, evokes the story of his parents. They arrived in France in the post-war period and settled in Argenteuil. Kerredine tells and the emotion takes to the throat. "Today I benefit from their work and all they have accomplished. I owe them a debt that I could never repay. I owe them everything My father ended up returning home permanently, but in a coffin to be buried. My mother is always close to me and she was the one who gave me the words of this song. I want to sing to convey a message to the youngest who sometimes disrespect their parents. " Kerredine Soltani - Front Line Kerredine Soltani's first line is her parents. Behind many hits of his last years whether for Amel Bent, Zaz, Kendji Girac, or Tal, Kerredine Soltani is now in the spotlight for his own career and prepares the arrival of his new album. In this new single Kerredine tells us the story of her parents, who came to France to have a better future. In his clip, shot with his mother, he tells the story of a retiree who can not make ends meet and her engineer son who is looking for a permanent contract, and forced to work evenings and weekends as a VTC driver to be able to pay his mother's bills. After a first eponymous album released in 2012, then "Dandy Chic" in 2014, Kerredine Soltani returns with a new solo project. Today, he unveils a first excerpt, "Nos rêves d'enfant", a true message of hope for children who grew up in working-class neighbourhoods. A title that evokes his career and the fact that nothing is written in advance, that everything is possible and that you have to hold on to your dreams. While waiting for his new album, here is Première Ligne, the clip to discover: The artist is also on Instagram