Interview with Chris Pohl of BlutEngel


On Sunday, May 7 in Köln (Cologne), BlutEngel performed on stage for their Leitbild Tour, an emblematic last date before the two final dates in Berlin a few days later (you can find the postponement of the concert by clicking here). At this event, I had the immense privilege of interviewing Chris Pohl, the singer of BlutEngel. I chose to simply transcribe and not correct the original interview for more authenticity, as well as to respect its atmosphere during the translation. Wishing you happy reading!


Me : I don't want to do a basic interview like "Where did BlutEngel come" or whatever because BlutEngel is so much deeper than that, so…

I don't want to do a basic interview like "Where did BlutEngel come from" or anything like that because BlutEngel is so much deeper than that, so…


Chris : Yeah, everybody know, should know that (he smiles).

Yes, everyone knows or should know (he smiles).


Me: Have you ever considered how much your words touched some people, creating an echo that can drive them, help them into difficult choices sometimes? What are your feelings about that?

Have you ever considered how much your words touched some people, creating an echo that guided them, helped them in difficult choices sometimes? How do you feel about that?


Chris : Yeah, I heard from many fans that my songs helped them out of some bad situations and they feel like understanding so… yeah, this is really cool because when I get some mails or letters from the fans, it's always good for me to read that my music has kind of an influence to them, they always like it when I can helped the people, I don't want to be like a psychologist so… but it's cool when my thoughts and my feelings that I impress with my songs… this words helped them, so, this is really cool… This kind of understanding makes the concert so cool because the people say, they are listening to my words, and I say, "OK they understand me and they know I will understand them" and this is a really really good feeling, I really like it yeah.

Yes, I heard from a lot of fans that my songs help them get out of difficult situations, that they feel understood… Yes, it's really cool because when I get emails or letters from fans, it's always nice for me to read that my music has some kind of influence on them, they always appreciate when I can help people, I don't want to be like a psychologist… But it's cool when my thoughts and feelings that I put in my songs… That these words help them, then, it's really cool… That kind of understanding makes the show so cool because people say, they listen to my lyrics, and I say "OK, they understand me and they know I'm going to understand them" and it's a really, really good feeling, I really like it yes.


Me: In your song "The Plague", you're using themes that you're don't often use in your other songs. Are you willing to give us more details about the why?

In your song "The Plague", you use themes that you are not used to using in your other songs. Would you like to give us more details on why?


Chris : Yeah, I mean this is a kind of… yes… It deals about the bad situation in the world like… Now, when you watch TV or you listen to the news, it's like so many bad things are happening and it's so crazy that is all are humans and when you do that to the other, so like they hurting themselves, they kill themselves and it's always like… and so the Plague mean that I'm the conscious of to tell you "OK… Is it really OK to you…? You… Really, you can sleep? When you see what's happening around you… " So… It has a big influence when I produce the CD because the situation in Germany and all over the world gets really really weird and it has a real influence the first time when I produced the CD, because normally I produce a CD and the world is always bad but it was so many bad news and it's always so combined, I was producing and writing songs and every day I watch TV and say "Oye… Another big shit going on in the world" so it has a big influence on the lyrics this time and yeah The Plague is like this conscience that I want to say to the people "So come on, wake up, you can't sleep when you see what's happening around you, you have to do something against it, and they're so many points that someone has to do something against this shit that's happening" Yeah, that's what I want to express with the song .

Yes, I mean… Yes… It speaks to the deplorable situation in the world… Today, when you watch TV or listen to the news, so many bad things happen and it's so mind-blowing, they're all human beings and when you do that to others, like when they hurt each other or kill each other… and "The Plague" means I'm aware of that and saying "OK… Is it really OK for you? You… Really, can you sleep? When you see what's happening around you… " So… It had a big influence when I produced the CD because the situation in Germany, and all over the world, is getting really, really weird and it really had a real influence on this album for the first time because, usually, when I produce a CD, the world is always bad, but there was so much bad news in such a short time, I was producing and writing songs and every day I was watching TV and thinking "Oye, a new big s*** has arrived in the world" so it had a big influence on the lyrics this time and yes, "The Plague" is the consciousness that allows me to say to people "Frankly, wake up, you can't sleep when you see what's happening around you, you have to do something about it, and there are plenty of things that everyone can do something about all this mess that's coming." Yes, That's what I wanted to express in the song.


Me: Do you plan to do that more often in the future ? Or, is this just a one shot?

Do you plan to do this more often in the future or was it just an exception?


Chris : I don't know, I don't know, so it depends on what's happening so… but I believe that… yes… It would never change or not so fast so, I don't know what the next lyrics will be so… I don't know.

I don't know, I don't know, it depends on what happens so… But I think that… Yes… It will never change or not as quickly so… I don't know what the next words will be so… I do not know.


Me : In your song "Say something", I feel that you may have a reference to the "Sisters of Mercy's album "First and last and always". Is it true or not? And if it's true, have you ever made those kind of references in other songs?

In your song "Say something", I have the impression that you are referring to the album "First and last and always" by Sisters of Mercy. Is that true? And if it is, have you ever made those kinds of references in other songs?


Chris : (He smiles) Yeah, you're right because I'm a kind of… I'm not the biggest fan but I really like them, I like the style and I always hoped that they produced a new album but they haven't so… Yeah, I like the spirit because many bands do something like it's called Neue Deutsche Härte or they do futurepop stuff or synthpop and I always liked to pick some of the old elements from the old gothic songs and put in in a new style, in a BlutEngel style, so we have some songs like Black as always be influenced by Sisters of Mercy, Say something is the most… yes… everybody say "Aaaah come on it's like Sisters of Mercy" but it's OK because… yes… I like them and I think they should do a new album, they don't so I… Ok… I do some songs with the spirit of Sisters and we did it on the last CD like Save Us was like with the "hey nanana"… and yeah we keep on working on the others songs from the new CD like Say something and Black yeah and it's OK but it's like… to say thank you for the music they gave to me when I was young and I have all the Sisters' CDs and I like his deep voice when it was like "Hey now now, sing this corrosion" so… Yeah it really influenced me on the new CD and now we're on the point that we can do it because, on the beginning, we start like an electroband so it was impossible to do some guitars in the songs and now we are so open and the people seems to like it so that we can say "OK we want to do some guitars in it in a Sisters of Mercy mood and it's OK" and the people say "Oh OK, it's cool I like it" and so. Maybe on the next CD, there are more songs, I don't know so yeah… But it's cool and it's really fun to sing like… Because it's rock… yeah I like it.

(He smiles) Yes, you are right because I am… I'm not their biggest fan but I really like them, I like the style and I always hope that they will release a new album but they don't do it so… Yes, I like the spirit because a lot of bands do things like the Neue Deutsche Härte or they do future pop or synthpop, and I've always liked to take some of the old elements of the old gothic songs and put them together in a new genre, in the BlutEngel genre, so we have some songs like "Black" that have always been influenced by Sisters of Mercy, "Say something" as well… Yes… Everyone says "Aaaaah come on, it looks like Sisters of Mercy" but that's good because… Yes… I love them and I think they should release a new album, they don't do it so I… Ok… I do some songs in the spirit of Sisters and we did it in the previous CD [note: Omen] with "Save us" and his "hey nanana"… and yes, we continued on the other songs of the new album like "Say something" or "Black" yes, and it's good but it's like… to say thank you for the music they gave me when I was young, and I have all the Sisters of Mercy albums and I love her cavernous voice like in "Hey now, sing this corrosion to me" so… Yes, it really influenced me on the new album and now we're at a point where we can do it because in the beginning we started as an electro band so it was impossible to add guitars in the songs and now we're so open and people seem to enjoy it so we can say "OK, we want to add guitars in the style of Sisters of Mercy and that's OK" and people say "Oh OK, that's good, I like it" so. Maybe on the next CD there will be more songs [in this style], so I don't know… But it's cool and it's really fun to sing… Because it's rock… Yes I like it.


Me: What is the question you always wanted to hear in an interview but never heard? And which is the answer ?

What's the question you've always wanted to hear in an interview but never been asked? And what would be his response?


Chris : Hey, good question! I don't know… Hmmm… I mean I gave so many interviews and there are so many questions, I don't know which question I haven't heard before so… pffff I don't know (he laughs), I don't know sorry! We can't tell you… But if you have one that I never heard before just tell me! (he smiles) Ask me the question!

Hey, good question! I do not know… Hmmm… I mean, I've given so many interviews and there are so many questions, I don't know what question I've never heard before so… Pffff I don't know! (laughs), I don't know, sorry! I can't tell you… But if you have one I've never heard before, let me know! (he smiles) Ask me!


Me: Next time maybe!

Next time, maybe!


Chris : OK!



Me: And, to finish, because we don't see you as often as we wish in France, do you have any plans to come soon? Maybe a big world tour for your twenty years ?

And, finally, because we don't see you in France as often as we would like, do you have any plans to come soon? Maybe a big tour for your 20-year career?


Chris : I don't know, it's always a problem because… yeah, the problem is, it's bad to say, but it's the money. We are a lot of people, we have to travel and they are some questions from France or Italy they ask "Do you wanna play?" but they don't offer that much money to cover the expenses so I say when I play outside of Germany, in Europe, I don't want to earn money but just I have to cover my expenses, I have to pay my musicians, I have to pay the technic guys and stuff, and so, it's really bad because they can't afford the demand of money we need to travel there, to rent the bus and stuff and… yeah I hope that it will change but I don't want to reduce the band so when I can say "OK I can come alone or ??? " it makes no sense 'cause I have to bring all the guys from the band with me and… So maybe in the future we can ask them again and maybe they can say "OK let's try it, so… let's try, we cover your expenses a little and if it works it's good, it's OK and if it's not hmm maybe we can, I don't know, find a deal" so we really want to play there because we were in Paris with my former band Terminal Choice, we were there, and yeah, it was really cool for us, many years ago, and it was cool and yeah, with Blutengel we have never been there so… it's time…

I don't know, it's always a problem because… Yes, the problem is, it's not good to say it, but it's the money. We are a lot of people, we have to travel and we are often asked, in France or Italy, "Do you want to come and play?" but they don't offer us enough money to cover expenses so I say, when I play outside Germany, in Europe, I don't want to make money but just at least cover my expenses, I have to pay my musicians, I have to pay my technicians all that, So it's a real shame they can't offer the demand for money we need to travel there, to rent the bus, all that… yes, I hope that will change but I don't want to reduce the group or say "OK, I can come alone or…??? ", it doesn't make sense because I have to take all the other people with me and… So maybe, in the future, we can ask them again and maybe they'll say "OK, let's try… Let's try, we cover some of your expenses and if it works, that's good, it's OK, and if it doesn't work hmm… Maybe we can, I don't know, find an arrangement." We'd really like to play there because I was in Paris with my old band Terminal Choice, we were there, and yes, it was really cool for us, years ago, and it was cool yes, with BlutEngel, we never came [to Paris] so… It's time…


Me: I hope so…

I hope so…


Chris : Yeah, I really like to play in France that I can say "Oh hello, my name is Chris Pohl, I'm from Berlin" I don't know. Yeah I learned some French at school so long ago.

Yes, I'd really like to come and play in France so I can say "Oh hello, my name is Chris Pohl, I'm from Berlin" I don't know. Yes, I learned some French at school a long time ago.


Me: And do you have something to say to your French fans?

And do you have anything to say to your French fans?


Chris : Yeah, I hope that they will listen to BlutEngel anyway and I hope to maybe one day meet them in France live, it will be really really nice, I really like to play there so, maybe there's a chance one day in the future, I hope so.

Yes, I hope they will listen to BlutEngel anyway and I hope one day to meet them at a concert in France, it would be really really nice, I really enjoyed playing there so, maybe there will be a chance one day in the future, I hope.



I discovered a man at the height of his texts, sensitive and touching, very approachable and passionate. A real beautiful meeting for a first interview which, I hope, will only be the first of many others!