[Interview] Mai Lan unveils herself for Justfocus at Solidays 2017


It was during this burning Saturday of Solidays on June 24th that we had the chance to meet Mai Lan. The singer was present on the solidarity festival and offered us a few minutes of interview to tell us about her and her latest EP: Vampire !

A special aura surrounds Mai Lan. This very approachable young woman exudes something charismatic, hypnotic and elusive. When we talk to her, she is open, smiling and sincere. Meet this atypical nocturnal creature.

When we see your background, we thought you would have done fashion instead. What made you finally choose music?

I set up my brand of frills BezemyMailan, but I prefer music. It's something that comes from the heart. A physical thing happens when you sing, which is incomparable in pleasure. With music you can combine everything actually.
I was part of an artist collective with whom we did a lot of things, I wrote songs, some came out, including Sheitan's. It's a combination of circumstances guided by a great desire, but I didn't really make a choice between fashion and music. I didn't even imagine being able to be a singer technically.

Your latest EP, Vampire is very different from what you've done before. How do you explain this evolution?

I think it's in the electro sounds that I feel good. Like all early albums, mine is made up of a lot of research. There is a lot of desire for many things, a lot of tests too; There are two three tracks that stood out, but when you listen to the others you can hear small electro ounces coming in, research in the flow, sometimes a little jerky, fast … This EP is the logical next step in the end! This is the moment when you find the way; You learn how to do it and when you know how to do it, you can better direct your sound.

In your last EP, listening to Vampire in particular, we seemed to recognize M.I.Has. With this more piquant way of pronouncing your lyrics, the rhythm of your flow. What do you think?

I like M. very much .I.A. Indeed there are some similarities. I wouldn't say it's a direct influence; I discovered him late, I was not a big fan of his first albums, but I think this influence comes from rap actually. It's flows a little sung… Maybe a little bledard side, a little islands, a little rowdy, nonchalant.

Can we say that your EP is committed?

Not completely. Not like Mr.I.A can be in any case. It's more a sharing of vibes, feeling. But then in Technique, we can see a critique of the modern world, ultra-fast consumption, the Internet… There are messages a little subtle, less aggressive, more pictorial I would say.

What's hanging around in your MP3 right now?

I make a lot of playlists depending on the mood, so it depends a lot on the moment. (hesitation)
There is a piano version of Franck Ocean's album Blonde that is pretty crazy. I found it on Spotify, I don't know who it is, it's a big mystery, but I listen to it very often. It's really beautiful, it looks like Joe Hisaishi or Sakamoto.

Piano Tribute to Frank Ocean

Short Vampire interview:

Do you consider yourself a nocturnal creature?
I am a night diurnal… I can wake up super early or go out a lot, spend hours at electro festivals or just make studio sessions that have no end. You see when you work alone in the studio until no hour and you are alone with yourself, you are not solicited at all because everyone sleeps…. It's these two aspects that I love about the night!

What are you thirsty for?

What flows most in your veins, musically?
Sounds that bring positivity! When it's too melodramatic, it actually fucks me up.

What's your crucifix? What scares you?
I have a rather peculiar psychosis. This is when the animal mixes with the plant. I don't even know if it exists, but it completely disgusts me. I don't know… skin growths with branches… Just imagining that, it stresses me out!

What would you do if you were immortal?
I'd get annoyed I think. I'd rather die, I'll be far too sad to lose everyone I love.

Mai Lan

This is your 3rd Solidays, how do you apprehend the scene?

I'm overexcited, because there's a great vibe here. Each time it has the same effect on me, there is really a particular thing that happens in this festival: a benevolence on the part of the public and the organizers. Everyone is super happy to be there and it feels.
Before I had the fart to go on stage, but I'm coming out of a year of touring with M83 very formative. It was huge and suddenly I am almost more afraid of anything because I am confronted with impressive configurations. Finally… I say that but I don't think so either, because I may very well find myself stressing at the last minute. In any case, it excites me and gives me pleasure. The scene is really a very good moment. In addition I have a team of phew; The musicians I work with are barjots, they're great. On stage there will be a pure atmosphere!

Can we expect a second album soon?

Yes to the beginning of the school year in October!

Can you tell us what's going to be on it?

There will be chocolate, nougat and cherries;)

A menu that promises to be greedy then!

Photos : Antony GOMES

Thanks to the Arty team with whom we shared this interview. Find their articles!