Blade Runner 2: No final cut for Denis Villeneuve!


The Quebec director who is currently shooting the sequel to Ridley Scott's film has cracked some revelations for the least disturbing. In question, the prospect of seeing him not have the final cut. 

This is one of the most exciting projects of recent years; half-fantasy (thanks to a director of immeasurable talent and a dream cast set with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling); mid-nightmare (make a sequel to one of the best century SF movies of the century objectively bordering on the nerve). 


Shot in the most extreme secrecy (for the moment no leak concerning the possible scenes shot), Blade Runner 2 raises so many questions …. than non-answers and finally follows the mystical logic that constitutes the aura of the original work. However, the director has now formalized a significant detail: he will not have the last word on the editing of the film. Despite a trifle of arguments that were meant to be comforting, it is difficult not to be doubtful, even in front of such a sincere artistic involvement upstream. Indeed, it must be remembered that there are no less than …. SEVEN versions of Blade Runner first of the name and that Ridley Scott finally decided only two decades after the release of the film. 


However, in view of the probable umpteenth success towards which seems to be heading his eighth feature film, Arrival as well as the viewing of the concept arts "generously" released by Sony Pictures that seem to honor the rainy steam punk universe we can not help but naively believe it. While waiting for the release of the film at the end of 2017, the public will be able to wait by going to see Arrival which arrives in December on our screens.