Gueules Noires, rock and electric tribute to all miners – Justfocus


Gueules Noires is a rock project that pays tribute to all the miners exploited in the mines in Congo and Belgium. A very strong record, written by the Belgian guitarist Dierick, to listen with the first single Diep Graaf (Digging Deep in Flemish). Gueules Noires will be available in June on all digital platforms and on CD via L'Autre Distribution. The album was composed by Dierick, who is touched by this forgotten part of history. His album recounts his childhood memories, these stories he heard from the mouths of his grandparents and parents, mixing the mine, and slavery in the Congo, while the latter was still Belgian. Historical facts, and an album that wants to be militant and committed: its titles, in French and English, tell these parallels between these two worlds, and the exploitation of man by man. Diep Graaf / Gueules Noires At a time when the world is dehumanizing itself by digital, a weapon of the same capitalism that massively decimated entire populations, Gueules Noires proposes to move forward in this colonial mea culpa undertaken too timidly, too discreetly. Gueules Noires gives voice to the voices that rise from the bottom of the pit and the shame of colonialism, of the industrialist, the shame of the State giving orders, it is a radical cry in the heritage of these nations, an act, a humble cultural and social gesture, opposed to the gravity of the disaster. Les Gueules noires refers as much to Belgian miners, exploited in coal mines, as to Congolese slaves tortured and annihilated for the sole interests of capitalism during colonialism. In both cases, Gueules Noires speaks of human beings reduced to the rank of goods, cattle or tools. Today we discover Diep Graaf, the first extract of Gueules Noires made in stop motion by Cyann Coroënne & Kyle Messett: The Gueules Noires project and to follow with this official link