The Suicide Squad: Guardians of the Galaxy Lands in the DC Universe


After a first episode directed by David Ayer, the Suicide Squad is back in the cinema since July 28. This time, Warner entrusted the realization of this sequel to James Gunn. The latter is a specialist in the superheroic genre since it is the man who staged the two opuses of The Guardians of the Galaxy, and the most unknown Super. He is back with The Suicide Squad, the new film of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU).

James Gunn comes to destroy the Suicide Squad

Unsurprisingly, The Suicide Squad is much more successful than the first game. It must be said that James Gunn radically changes his style and adapts the DC universe to his own tone, his own genre, and his own humor. In the manner of Guardians of the Galaxy, the director mocks this team of supervillains about redemption. Unlike the first film, which opted for a dark tone, and a dirty calibration, reminiscent of gangster movies, specific to David Ayer, The Suicide Squad is much more flashy, very colorful, quite eccentric, in the tone of James Gunn.The two films are therefore diametrically opposed, which offers something else to see in this sequel. The Suicide Squad: Guardians of the Galaxy Lands in the DC Universe The filmmaker wants to make a clean sweep of the past. While he retains very few characters from the first film, James Gunn chains the floodgates, the murders, and does not hesitate to get rid of central characters of the first film. The message is clear: the filmmaker wants nothing in common with the first film, and this is reflected in his scriptwriting choices. Thus, The Suicide Squad is a joyful comedy, which uses the usual valves of its author. Offbeat tone, childish humor, uninhibited violence, colorful characters, the specifications made James Gunn are at the rendezvous.

The Suicide Squad: endearing entertainment

With this in mind, James Gunn accumulates floodgates, comical situations, inappropriate dialogues, etc… He cheesy his superheroes, and gives them problems of lambda individuals. Example: Bloodsport has a phobia of rats, Ratcatcher 2 has a grieving deal, Polka-Dot Man has a problem to deal with his mother, and even Harley Quinn has to face her own demons. Through this prism, the Suicide Squad is not a group of superheroes, but a group of deranged individuals who have superpowers. Even the choice of villain corroborates with this desire to create a superhero movie like no other, which changes the game and offers something else to see. The Suicide Squad: Guardians of the Galaxy Lands in the DC Universe After that, James Gunn doesn't go far enough in his own madness. Viewers begin to know his codes, his habits, and his cinematographic style. Thus, paradoxically, James Gunn will have to renew himself in the coming years, or at least take his style to even more crazy spheres. Even if The Suicide Squad is overall an indisputable success, it nevertheless remains sometimes lazy within the planet James Gunn. The latter finally replays his usual scores, and we are clearly starting to get used to it. Beware, thus, of a certain form of weariness…