The art of lying, soon on Canal


For his latest film, director Bill Condon, is interested in an art that we all practice since childhood: lying. Indeed, the characters lie like professionals. It is then difficult to detect the true from the false. This American thriller released in 2019 is to be found from February 10 on the Canal group.


Roy Courtnay, a seemingly innocent man of a certain age, is actually the worst of crooks. We are not suspicious of the elderly and yet Roy has the bottle when it comes to scams. His secret: reveal a little lie to put his interlocutor in confidence and thus lie to him on a larger scale. As he continues to make money, he always thinks about his next prey. Here, his future target, Betty, is a widow whose fortune amounts to millions of dollars. His plan is simple, he wants to seduce her. To do this, he registers on a dating site making sure to please the main interested. The film then focuses on the game of manipulation set up between the two. Lies and truths end up intertwined.

The art of lying, first date

Behind the scenes

It is Jeffrey Hatcher who is at the head of the script of this thriller. It is actually an adaptation of Nicholas Seare's novel The Good Liar. 

The film was shot in London to the delight of the two main actors who live there. That way, they could go home every night. They also know the city very well so filming there seemed familiar.

As for actors, to make the story even more credible, the director chose British actors. Indeed, in the role of Betty, we find Helen Mirren. Ian McKellan plays Roy. The latter agreed to play in the film without even having read the script because he had already shot three times with the director. Jim Cater plays Vincent, his friend and confidant in the film. Finally, it is Russell Tovey who plays the role of Steven, Betty's grandson. So, if you like the British accent, this movie is for you!

Steven and Roy Image: Warner Bros. The Art of Lying

This is a film that will make you paranoid about your surroundings. Of course, you too have lied in your life but surely never on the same level as the headliner. No one will say otherwise, it is simple to lie. However, the art of lying is a level far above what you know how to do. It's not just about lying about why we're late or little everyday lies. Indeed, when you make it an art, you create characters, you invent everything from A to Z and above all, you must know each new role like the back of your hand.

In short, the acting is exceptional. The sets and music are also a real added value to the film. However, you have to hang on because this thriller can seem a little slow at times. We wouldn't want to spoil you but the fall is definitely worth the wait. So, don't hesitate to your screens!