Justice League: Snyder reveals clip of Superman wearing his black suit


While the long-awaited Justice League signed Snyder should see the light of day soon, fans had the pleasure of discovering a new costume for Superman! Focus. Justice League, released in 2017, had hugely disappointed comic book fans for a variety of reasons. The first, and certainly the most important: the change of director. Indeed, Zack Snyder originally planned, had to be replaced by Joss Whedon following the suicide of his daughter. The second had a totally different vision than Snyder, so the film was modified, cut for a mixed result on arrival. However, after fan complaints, Snyder's version, the Snyder's Cut, will see the light of day in 2021 on the HBO Max platform.

Superman's "black suit"

This Saturday, at the Justice Con conference, Snyder spoiled his fans by revealing a (short) clip of Snyder's Cut . Indeed, in this trailer of 18 seconds, we can see Alfred and Superman in full discussion. It was close to the canvas catching fire. Henry Cavill, the actor who plays Superman in the DCEU, wears a costume, but not the least. Superman sports a black suit. It has great importance in the DC Universe. Indeed, it represents the resurrection of Super-Man. After his death in Batman V Superman, wearing this outfit makes sense in Snyder's Cut. The director admits that the film should have been shot with this outfit but that Warner was totally against this idea because it would have plunged the film into a dark and too serious side. Snyder announced a few years ago that, in his version, Superman would have his black suit. Which gave fans one more reason to desire this Snyder's Cut. That's why this simple extract has totally panicked Internet users. In summary, the Snyder's Cut is totally worth the wait on the fan side. A chance to make up for the disaster that was Justice League when it was released. Although it is still a little early to judge, this clip promises a memorable version of this film. For now, we can only wait until next year.  https://twitter.com/dragonnaydra/status/1287145505169068032?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1287145505169068032%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.allocine.fr%2Farticle%2Ffichearticle_gen_carticle%3D18691791.html