Joaquin Phoenix will be the next Joker: explosive mix!


After many assumptions and rumors, Warner has officially revealed that it will be Joaquin Phoenix who will play the role of the Joker in the film dedicated to the worst enemy of the Dark Knight.

While Marvel is preparing to release the single-player Venom movie only centered on the Nemesis of Spiderman, DC also relies on its classics to impress the viewer.After an encouraging Batman VS Superman and an uninteresting Suicide Squad , the question of making a movie centered on the Joker is legitimate. But doubts can be dispelled because the film seems to be on the right track. DC had already announced the presence of Todd Philipps as director, to whom we owe the Very Bad Trip trilogy, but also and especially Martin Scorsese to produce.

The supervision of the project is therefore in good hands and rumors have begun to circulate about the actor who would play the role of the Joker, absolute villain of Batman and the universe of comics in general. Rumors first gave the role to Leonardo DiCaprio, while fans were desperately waiting for the announcement of Willem Dafoe in the title role. And it is true that this role would suit him perfectly, especially when we remember his brilliant Green Goblin in Sam Raimi's Spiderman . The role was finally assigned to Joaquin Phoenix who could well create the surprise in a role that should stick to his skin.  

Joaquin Joaquin Phoenix will be the next Joker: explosive mix!


Joaquin Phoenix and the Joker, meeting between two giants. 

The actor, winner of the Best Actor Award at Cannes last year for A beautiful day, will be the one who will embody this mythical character. Known for his appearances in Signs, Gladiator or in the sublime and irresistible Her by Spike Jonze, Joaquin Phoenix has often demonstrated his ability to play subtly, never letting anything show except perhaps, an extraordinary talent.

For the most skeptical and especially for the hardcore fans of the Joker of Suicide Squad played by Jared Leto, know that a film retracing his story is in preparation in parallel with the first project. Films should not be linked and stage two very different universes. Fans will be reassured to see that their favorite villain seems to be in good hands and that he will once again have the opportunity to fascinate us on the big screen.

Finally, how will this new Joker be? What will it bring to the DC Universe? Should we expect a colorful film, with a Joker version Jack Nicholson or a dark and manipulative Joker like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight? Only time will tell…