Nursing Home Review: "In the ring, you are the prey and the predator as in life"


Released in almost concomitance somewhat scabrous with The gravediggers, Retirement Home presents a dazzling cast. This film delivers an idyllic and utopian vision of the homes, contrary to the investigation cited above: old men moved by the death of one of them, a cacochyme man still ensuring boxing, a boss of nursing homes convicted of abuse. As for Kev' Adams, even devoid of any emotionality, even reserving us his palette of expressions as known as limited, it turns out that he is just bearable. Nevertheless, I have always had a particular tenderness for the bewilderment, disorientation, funny and unbridled of the elderly.

Elvis: "Without moving, I can't sing"

It is the biopic of biopics, a hagiographic gospel dedicated to the King yet nothing is spared him: paranoia due to the time of vicissitudes and torments linked to a profusion of murders among personalities, pills and weight gains… The love story is not superfluous as I often reproach, it is proof that a romance even with a heartbreaking purpose can be well treated. It is also Baz Luhrmann's portrait of an overly prudish and deeply racist America. In addition, I learned a lot of things (not being a fan of the first hour): even his divorce, that he is still the solo artist whose music is the best selling or that his hips were considered obscene and "that they would push children to accept blacks". A little word about acting, Austin Butler is Elvis reincarnated especially during the prodigious reconstructions of his concerts and Tom Hanks, so grimed that I recognized him that seeing the cast, it is the other personality to whom this biopic is dedicated, he plays to perfection.

Jurassic World: "If you could change your t-shirt, they're sensitive to smells"

Jurassic World does not care about feasibility and plausibility: pterodactyl piercing someone in the heart through the glass of a helicopter, another literally swimming after prey or dinosaurs of different species communicating by a kind of telepathy. The scenario without much interest is an almost identical rereading of the original of 1993, so predictable from start to finish. Another striking flaw is the fact of having swapped Steven Spielberg's animatronics for digital effects that are dapper but unconvincing compared to more artisanal processes. In addition, the film deliberately omits the deepest aspects such as the confrontation between the animal and the human being or that concerning the dangerousness of science without conscience.