Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise!


The Assassin's Creed video game license is cult. Developed by the French studio Ubisoft in 2007, the saga has lasted over time. It also benefited from a big screen adaptation in 2016. First a precursor, the saga today struggles to renew itself and seems to be short of breath. While Assassin's Creed Valhalla, twelfth game in the saga, is scheduled for this end of the year, back on a saga that has marked players for better and for worse. 


Desmond Miles, bartender, is captured by the Abstergo company because he would be a descendant of a line of assassins. Abstergo forces him to use the Animus (technology to relive the lives of his ancestors) to be able to embody his murderous ancestors. However, the Abstergo company actually hides the order of the Templars, sworn enemies of the Assassins. The Templars seek to obtain ancient artifacts called the Fragments of Eden. Objects capable of manipulating men. We therefore embody several assassins in different historical periods to thwart the plans of the firm Abstergo. Indeed, Altair is played at the time of the Crusades or Ezio during the renaissance. It is this historical aspect that is the strength of the game, between present and story, the player is immersed in exotic scenery. AC games succeed in creating a unique visual experience that the player wants to repeat every time the game is released. In addition, with the evolution of consoles and therefore graphic capabilities, we were able to follow the evolution of the gray and cold city of Damascus in the first game to the vast and colorful ancient Greece of AC Odyssey. ac 1 Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise! ac odyssey Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise!  

The game system

That's what made AC games so enjoyable. Indeed, the games stood out for their originality. Infiltration, climbing the wall or other discreet assassinations. It was the perfect recipe that Ubisoft had come up with for their game. Assassin's Creed managed to mix genres with almost disturbing ease. In addition, its control towers that discovered the map as and when became iconic and repeated in several other licenses. Ubisoft has recycled this idea to incorporate it into Far Cry.  In short, Assassin's Creed is a story but above all a unique gameplay. Also, the license had its gimmicks, its elements easily recognizable and that differed from other classic adventure games. For example, the eagle vision that highlighted the elements, enemies present on the map, which is perfect for lovers of infiltration. A feature that has become the hallmark of the game. And when we talk about trademark, we can not forget the famous secret blade. Indeed, it is the flagship weapon of the game. Present in almost all opuses, this blade will even come in hook blade or poisoned blade. In short, Assassin's Creed has a revolutionary game system for the time. assassin s creed rogue activites annexes points d observation 002 Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise!

The decline of the Assassin's Creed saga

With all the positive arguments and innovations brought by the license in the world of video games, one wonders how such a strong license could have lost so much of its superb. There are the negatives. And it didn't get better over time. The first part released in 2007 was an unexpected success. In just one week, Ubisoft's new game has sold more than a million copies. Not without flaws, Ubisoft understood that there was something to do with this new saga. Two years later, Assassin's Creed 2 was born, with its share of new features. Considered one of the best AC, it definitely imposes Assassin's Creed games as a safe bet. If two years passed between the first two episodes, we can not say the same with the sequel. Indeed, Ubisoft has adopted a frenetic pace of publication, with one episode per year. If games like Fifa can afford it, because they are sports simulations and whose changes are less each year, it's another story for an Open-World of the scale of Assassin's Creed. This rhythm could only cause damage to the saga. This paid off during the release of Assassin's Creed Unity, the first AC released on the Next-Gen console, indeed, the game was so buggy that Ubisoft had to apologize by offering free DLC. Plus, it's hard to innovate when you release a game every year. A feeling of weariness therefore seizes the players who demand something new. ac unity bug Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise!

The meta-history of Assassin's Creed

The second sign of decline is contemporary history. As mentioned above, Assassin's Creed has two stories. One of which is set in our time. This meta-story, in which we played Desmond, was well crafted and very engaging. Between puzzles and research, it really gave body and another perspective to the game. But, all good things come to an end. In Assassin's Creed 3, Desmond sacrifices himself to save the world. So yes, this story had to end in beauty rather than Ubisoft pulling on the rope. The problem is that after that, the meta-story became more tasteless and bland. She was there only because she had to… And nothing else. desmon miles Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise!

A change of formula…

In the age of social networks, it is easier for a community to express its dissatisfaction. And that, in all areas. When a film displeases, a petition instantly pops up on the net. It's the same for Assassin's Creed: the games pass and look the same. The discontent of the fans is felt, very strongly. Ubisoft has little choice but to revisit its formula and adapt to the times. The studio finally broke its one-year release rhythm, taking a two-year break after AC Syndicate. The license returns with Assassin's Creed Origins. With this opus, Assassin's Creed fully assumes its RPG side. Strongly inspired by The Witcher 3 or Dark Souls, Ubisoft releases a good game but not a good Assassin's Creed. Indeed, everything that made the strength of the game disappears as if Ubisoft was trying to make a clean sweep of the past. We find skill tree, weapons with different levels of power, new gameplay and interface. Even the chronology is not respected. Funny, for a game called Origins… In short, the game is convincing but the spirit of Assassin's Creed is lost.

…Not very innovative

With its commercial success, the French studio releases AC Odyssey, to put it simply: it's the same game as Origins except that it takes place in ancient Greece. Few improvements in this opus. Simply the "Assassin's Creed spirit" that is gradually disappearing. Gone are the days when Assassin's Creed innovated and brought inspiring features. Now, the license is modeled on trends and fulfills a specification. Much to the public's regret. An iconic and cult saga that turns into a simple adventure game of any kind. origins Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise! Was this change of formula for the better? Well, yes and no. Indeed, the saga knows a second wind and has managed to reinvent itself. By offering complete open World Action RPGs and excessively provided in side quests. However, when playing Odyssey or Origins, it's hard to tell that it's an Assassin's Creed. We talked earlier about the secret blade, the flagship element of the license. If we observe the covers of the games, the blade appears systematically. Except for the last two parts, where the blade is totally invisible, or put in the background.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Last chance?

For this end of the year, Ubisoft will return with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It will take place during the Viking Age and you can play as the warrior Eivor, who will be either a man or a woman, depending on your choice. This Assassin's Creed appears as a last chance for Ubisoft. In view of the first extracts the game seems to be on the same artistic direction as the last two. Valhalla will therefore also be an Open World action RPG. However, the developers seem to have taken good note of the players' reviews. The secret blade will be back as proven by the launch trailer. ac valhalla Assassin's Creed file: Back on the decline of a cult franchise! The Vikings are on the rise at the moment, there are many popular works based on Norse mythology. These include the Vikings series, The Last Kingdom, the Vinland Saga manga and even the latest God of War game. Ubisoft is therefore not taking a risk by following a movement that is currently working. Finally, we can wonder if Assassin's Creed Valhalla would not be Ubisoft's last chance regarding the Assassin's Creed saga. Wouldn't Ubisoft be better off developing new projects? Take your time and get back to a more solid foundation? A base that fans have been clamoring for far too long now. It is not a problem to follow the trend but it is not to bring his touch, his vision which is one. In short, Assassin's Creed Valhalla appears as a sword of Damocles over Ubisoft.