Elite Dangerous rolls out the second part of the Beyond update series


Frontier developments has just released Chapter Two of the Beyond update series for Elite Dangerous.

After a "chapter one" that will not have revolutionized so much the space game of Frontier Developments, it is the turn of chapter two to arrive to bring a little novelty to the community of Elite Dangerous. Don't expect anything big though. Indeed, this update, as well as the third that will arrive soon, is planned to be minor before the one expected in Q4 which should change a lot of game mechanics, especially for mining and exploration. 

On the program, two new ships: the Krait Mk II and the Alliance Challenger. We should also expect new missions, new colonies to explore and new technologies to deal with the threat of the growing alien race of Thargoids

For those interested, you can discover the full list of additions on this link. We must now be patient while waiting for the next update, especially the big end of the year that could well change a lot of aspects of Elite Dangerous. In the meantime, we will console ourselves as best we can in space!