Passing your license: how much and in how long?


"This year, it's decided, I pass my license!" An affirmation that we often hear and yet is rarely respected… Through this article, we will try to motivate the troops to finally pass his driver's license. We will explain the steps to follow and the costs to be expected to best manage your permit.

The online license, a good solution?

Passing your B licence can be done in several ways. One of them is to go through online sites, a practice increasingly used. The objective is to take courses with professionals and then pass his license as a free candidate. But what does this entail? The online license is definitely a considerable cost gain. To pass its code for example, Ornikar offers packages for about thirty euros, including online courses and mock exams, as for En voiture Simone, a completely free formula is available! However, it is necessary to add thirty euros for the passage of the code exam in a dedicated center or at the Post Office. A total much lower than the classic method which is about 200 € in most driving schools. Another advantage of going through its platforms, it is possible to directly request its Harmonized Prefectural Registration Number, also called NEPH. This is an individual number issued by the prefecture, essential to pass the code and the driving license. On its platforms, such as Auto-Demarches, the real advantage is that many procedures are simplified, not only for the NEPH number but also to know the documents to be provided or on the administrative side of the permit. For the international driving for example, it is interesting to know our rights. And once you have the license in your pocket, you can even find out about the particularities of the registration document. And speaking of the permit, how much does it cost? It takes about 700 € to spend the 20 hours of mandatory courses via online sites. To pass your license in a traditional driving school, you should know that prices differ a lot depending on the region. In Ile-de-France for example, it is necessary to count in the 2 000 € against 1500 € in the northern regions. These prices correspond of course to a minimum number of hours (20h), each additional hour is counted in addition and can increase the price exponentially.

How long does it take to pass my license?

To pass your driver's license, the duration varies depending on several factors. According to a study by Road Prevention, in the traditional sector, 37% of candidates for driving licenses obtain it in less than a year, 38.8% between 1 and 2 years and finally 17.7% between 2 and 3 years. With regard to accompanied driving, 45.3% of registered drivers obtain their driving licence within 2 years, 33.2% of applicants between 2 and 3 years.

Get your licence faster

However, let's not forget the possibility of the accelerated permit, a little more expensive but which remains an effective solution to achieve it quickly (and stop procrastinating…). For the latter solution, two-week packs are offered during which the candidate will be able to follow theoretical coding courses. He will then have to prepare intensively for driving for 15 days, always with a minimum of 20 hours. The practical exam is then passed after these 2 weeks. The cost of the accompanied permit is still higher than average, it is necessary to count in the 1900 € on average, with a price often higher in large cities such as Paris.

Success rates

Regarding the success rates, they are again very different depending on how you will pass it. Accompanied driving is the means that has an above-average success rate, equal to 75%. For the classic sector, 57% of candidates get it the first time. Regarding the accelerated license, although the training is intensive, it does not mean that you will be more likely to have it. Some even advise to go through a classic training so as not to have pressure, and thus, do it at your own pace. You now have in your hands all the keys to obtain your license quickly and in the most appropriate way to your desires. So, don't hesitate, go for it! *Sponsored article.