Intermittent fasting: a new way of living?


Fasting would be the new trend to lose weight. But in addition to this aesthetic aspect, it would have many benefits for the body and mind. What is? JustFocus explains everything.

What is intermittent fasting?

As the name suggests, it is a form of fasting during which we stop providing food to the body. On the other hand, this fast is much more flexible than strict fasting which does not allow any food intake for a long period. However, both types of diet would allow you to enjoy the same benefits and benefits. You can also continue to drink during periods without food. The principle is simple, just make your body fast for sixteen hours a day and then eat continuously for eight hours. For example, you can choose to eat between 12:00 and 20:00 and then stop between 20:00 and 12:00. You could combine a sports activity with this method in order to observe results and improve your health. You can also be accompanied by a naturopath who will establish a personalized program.

For whom? For what?

Anyone can choose this diet. On the other hand, it is forbidden to pregnant and lactating women as well as people with cardiovascular problems. The advantages of this type of diet would be numerous. This would lower insulin in the blood as well as reduce stress. In addition, it would reduce body fat. You could see results on your waistline. As it is a "detox" lifestyle, it would cleanse the body and promote cell regeneration. regime 2 Intermittent fasting: a new way of living?

Mistakes to avoid:

It should drink enough during both periods of fasting because the elimination of waste will be done through good hydration. It would also be essential not to eat more than usual during the eight-hour period. The diet must be balanced. It is not only necessary to fast to lose weight, because if your goals are too high you risk failing. You have to go gradually and you could then enjoy a detoxification of your body.

The studies conducted:

In January 2014, INSERM conducted a study on fasting for preventive or therapeutic purposes. The Ministry of Health has prepared a report to take stock of this study. As a result, fasting can cause migraines, dizziness or discomfort. One must remain aware that with a prolonged absence of food, the damage that the body suffers can be serious. The main thing is to listen to your body and not to exceed its limits in the practice of this method. The conclusion of this study lies in the fact that a strict or partial fast (with an intake of less than 300kcal per day) must be medically supervised. There is still no medical structure in France adapted to this practice. And as for the practice of fasting under medical supervision, there are not yet enough scientific studies to demonstrate its therapeutic reliability. It should be noted, however, that intermittent fasting is less violent for your body than is strict fasting. What you have to remember about this method is the positive aspect on your body and mind. You could slim down and improve your health. Nevertheless, this method has some risks that it is essential not to neglect. This practice must therefore be carried out with care.