The essentials of the Amazon


The Amazon, this lung of the earth is a place to preserve and discover. The Amazon is pure exoticism, a total change of scenery that echoes a symphony of images straight out of our minds. Here is a non-exhaustive list of essential things to do for adventurers wishing to rush into the heart of the Amazon.

The meeting of the two rivers or "Encontro das Aguas"

The Amazon takes its name from the Amazon, the river that crosses the forest for more than 7000 km to flow into the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the longest rivers in the world. 8 km before Manaus, the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimoes meet to become the Amazon. These two waters meet, but do not mix, because of their differences in density, current strength, depth, temperature and composition. The waters of the Rio Solimoes are ochre, due to the erosion of the Andean basin, while those of the Rio Negro are black, as its name suggests, because it has crossed stagnant expanses.

A pier allows tourists to cross this meeting of the two waters. By passing the hand in the water, we can really and instantly realize that the two waters do not have the same temperature. The demarcation is clearly visible, and tourists are not disappointed! It has to be done.

IMG 8959 modifié The essentials of the Amazon

Swimming with dolphins

The fauna and flora in the Amazon are impressive for their diversity. There are all kinds of reptiles, mammals, and marine animals. Don't be surprised if you see dolphins coming out of the water. Don't think you're dead if those dolphins you see are pink. Because yes, Amazonian dolphins are indeed pink. Called the "botos", they swim among their gray congeners, and sometimes stick out the tip of their beak, or their fins. It is not uncommon to see them, because they like to appear near the banks and sides of boats. Amazonian guides know the spots where dolphins are most present. It is also possible to swim with dolphins who, even if they are not tamed (and still happy, because it is one of the charms of the Amazon, this wildlife!), are really not aggressive, but very playful!

Fishing for piranhas

One of the activities, which can be offered by the many tourist agencies in the Amazon, is piranha fishing. Equipped with makeshift fishing rods (made of a wooden stick at the end of which hangs a string, on which a hook and a piece of raw chicken are hung), you can board a canoe to go fishing in a shallow place, where piranhas live. As soon as the piece of chicken enters the water, it bites! The piranhas caught by tourists are not large, and in general, do not exceed the size of a small hand. They are gray, and with touches of flamboyant red. The guides release them because they are too small to eat, and legend says they are filled with bones.

Pêche aux piranhas The essentials of the Amazon

Spend a night in a bivouac in the middle of the forest

Spending a night in a hammock in the middle of the Amazon rainforest is THE exotic thing to do! Obviously, it is necessary to provide long, light clothing (because the temperatures are really high) and mosquito repellent. In general, after a (more or less) long trek, the guides set up a bivouac to the participants. To take the experience to the extreme, adventurers can choose an option where their evening meal will consist only of fish caught in the Amazon (you better be a good fisherman, or not have too big an appetite). At night, the heat drops and the humidity drops. We are also much more sensitive to noise around us. But don't panic, guides always take volunteers to safe places, and panthers usually only attack people who snore….

Discover the fauna and flora

The fauna and flora of the Amazon are unique. It is rare to meet other groups of tourists during a stay in the Amazon, to our delight. We feel alone, isolated and in communion with nature. You can see many land animals, such as the sloth (which does not look at all like Sid from the Ice Age), snakes, many rather huge insects, and birds. While riding a canoe on the Amazon, the only means of transport apart from walking in the Amazon, you can also see marine animals: dolphins, crocodiles. Crocodiles are visible on the banks all day, but even more so at night. The guides will then take you on a night tour, with a long-range flashlight, and you can explore the surrounding area in search of alligators, which you are sure to find. Some guides even venture to catch the little ones by hand, to then give them to tourists aboard the canoes! It is a unique experience, which makes the adrenaline pump. Fight your fears, the little beast won't eat the big one (and it's really a one-of-a-kind experience!!).

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The vegetation is dense and lush in the Amazon. You will be impressed by the height of the trees, their bright colors and size. It is not uncommon to come across a native at the bend of a tree. Let go of the clichés that populate your mind: they do not walk around naked, with paint on their face, or with a spear. However, they will be happy to make you discover more deeply the plant mysteries that surround you, because, let's be clear, you will pass without noticing yourself in the middle of hundreds of curiosities of nature if a guide or a local is not there to inform you and make you discover the natural beauties that this abundant vegetation contains!

To know !!

Temperatures are high. They are around 38 degrees, and, because of the high humidity, the feeling is more than 40 degrees. Nevertheless, the sun hits hard, and do not forget cap, sunglasses and sunscreen. There are some plains to cross during treks and you will not be protected from the sun by the lush vegetation everywhere! Do not forget your K-Way, because the rains, although hot, are dense and as unexpected as regular. You will really enjoy your rain gear.

Mosquitoes are not numerous. Nevertheless, you must protect yourself, especially after a tropical rain, which brings out all the mosquitoes. Even if they are not virulent, they are there, and prevention is better than cure.

Walking shoes are de rigueur! Regular rains turn Amazonian soils into slippery and "dangerous" mud grounds. So take shoes without smooth soles for safety and comfort. A second pair is not luxury, depending on the number of days spent in the Amazon. Your shoes can very quickly get wet, and will not be pleasant at all. Also plan as much long clothes (long-sleeved t-shirts, long pants and high socks) as lighter clothes (shorts, t-shirts). Your outfit will really depend on the weather. Don't overload yourself, so that all your belongings go into a "Beijing Express" backpack, but don't forget anything you might regret. Take "everything", but do not take "too much"! Finally, last tip, do not forget your swimsuit. You can actually bathe in the Amazon among snakes, crocodiles and dolphins, without dying (tested and approved!!)!

Many fantasies surround the Amazon forest. In the popular unconscious, it is an impenetrable jungle filled with dangerous beasts, with mystical inhabitants. Instantly come to mind images of explorers in shirts making their way with machetes, surrounded by devious reptiles. Be one of these adventurers tomorrow to make up your own mind! You won't regret it.