LeavinRoom survival instinct and Game over: two "Saw" rooms


LeavinRoom is a Parisian escape game brand offering two rooms inspired by the movie Saw : Survival Instinct and Game over.

Survival Instinct

Survival Instinct is the first Saw room created by LeavinRoom. Players are locked by the puzzle killer and have 60 minutes to escape. The sets are pretty good and fit well into the scenario. The puzzles are generally well thought out and some are particularly enjoyable to play. The middle of the room is quite disappointing and would have benefited from being arranged in such a way as to be less frustrating for the players. The room is pretty good, but the desired tension struggles to settle and it is difficult to be afraid of not going out in the allotted time. Another weak point lies in the fact that the walls are rather thin and it is a little too easy to hear the gamemaster tidy up the beginning of the room while the session is still in progress.

Game over

Game over is a new dive into the universe of Saw, which is deeper and more accomplished. The sets are more impressive than in Survival Instinct and are even better done. When it comes to puzzles, the LeavinRoom team has shown just as much inventiveness, but their quality remains quite variable. The logic of some puzzles struggles to fit into the scenario, while others are particularly successful. The whole is a good success, but the atmosphere of the room remains not very scary, just like that of its sister. Survival Instinct and Game over are nice rooms in terms of scenery and puzzles, but disappointing because of their non-oppressive staging.

Practical information:

LeavinRoom Paris 28 bis boulevard Pereire, 75017, Paris