Interior decoration: the French prefer to opt for DIY and DIY


According to a recent study by Ipsos, nearly 44% of French people prefer Do-It-Yourself to tinker and manufacture their interior decoration and 77% say they are handymen. It is true that they are more and more numerous to have a real craze for interior design. Find out why you should opt for DIY and DIY.

Make your interior decoration for a more authentic and minimalist layout

Do-It-Yourself allows you to anchor yourself in a more authentic universe. By making your decorative objects, you can surround yourself with an ultra-personalized, natural and healthier interior layout. Also, the phenomenon of upcycling consists in bringing value to a product by recycling it and giving it a new function.

This trend of authentic decoration is consistent with the new way of living of minimalism. Indeed, minimalism is an ultra-trendy  lifestyle today and we see it absolutely everywhere. Minimalism is about living with as few things as possible and avoiding overconsumption. This new way of life increasingly present among the French promotes the practice of DIY and DIY.

The French and DIY for interior design

Today, more than 86% of French people manage their interior design completely autonomously. With the cost of living increasing over the years, the French prefer to opt for more economical solutions.

Indeed, more and more of them are favoring Do-It-Yourself by using a variety of products adapted to DIY. Indeed, it is more than 77% of French people who declare themselves handymen. Especially since with the period of confinement, we see that the craze for DIY continues to increase. In this way, households can make their own decorative objects by tinkering in order to reduce costs and create a real personal and unique decoration.

The meteoric evolution of the interior design market

In recent years, interior design has become a consumer habit for households. Indeed, it is a market that represents more than 20 billion euros in turnover per year. Also, the interior design market represents a growth of up to 5% each year.

Faced with this craze, the players in the decoration market are constantly innovating and diversifying the offer. Indeed, the French are passionate about layout and invest in complementary sectors such as interior renovation or home automation. In parallel with the rise of innovations and this craze, households favor DIY and Do-It-Yourself which represents a real upward trend. Especially since this practice is favored with the multiplication of videos and tutorials available on the Internet.

The evolution of the sector with the Internet

When it comes to Do-It-Yourself and DIY, it is possible to find a multitude of tutorials and videos on the Internet in order to become a real expert. Indeed, thanks to the rise of digital technology, today it is much easier to tinker and make everyday objects yourself thanks to the information available.

Also, the evolution of digitalization has an impact on the interior design sector as consumers are more encouraged to buy online. Indeed, nearly 15% of purchases for development would be made on the Internet.

Digital tools influence purchases with more than the majority of consumers doing their first research on the web.

Indeed, decoration enthusiasts prefer to learn and look for ideas online before starting.

This upward trend for digital could really further evolve the interior design market. Especially since with the evolution of Do-It-Yourself and tutorials, consumers are increasingly attracted by the principle of creating their own decorative objects for a unique, responsible, authentic and personalized decoration.