Why protect your creations?


Few people know Tyler Winklevoss, Divya Narendra and the Cameron brothers. They are, however, with Mark Zuckerberg the creators of Facebook. The latter embarked on the adventure alone in February 2004, forgetting his colleagues at the University. This misadventure illustrates the importance of protecting an intellectual creation. 

Blockchain: the main protection tool

Protecting yourself with Ipocamp involves depositing your creations on a public blockchain (Tezos) that allows you to time stamp and store your data, without limits. Tezos' blockchain protocol, created in 2014 by French-American couple Arthur and Kathleen Breitman, is decentralized and publicly accessible. The Tezos Blockchain chosen by our company is a solid, confidential and secure solution essential at a time when hacking and sophisticated counterfeits are exploding and causing creators to lose colossal sums.

What is intellectual property?

Intellectual property is divided into two distinct fields:

  • Industrial property
  • Copyright

The first protects industrial or commercial inventions and innovations, the second all artistic creations (books, music, paintings, software, etc.). Having the rights to his work allows his exclusive commercial exploitation. Anyone copying Ken Follet's latest bestseller would be in serious legal trouble. This is, for example, the risk faced by those who engage in piracy of audiovisual works. But to assert one's rights, one must protect oneself.

Why protect your creations?

As a general rule, the filing of a patent protects an invention (an object, a technique, a trademark, etc.) industrialist. Regarding copyright, they are acquired without formalities by the simple creation of the work. Thus the creations of an electronic chip, a board game, a website, an industrial process either protected by a patent or by copyright . The patent allows a monopoly of exploitation (20 years in France), copyright protects a work up to 70 years after the death of the author.

The importance of prior art

Regularly, copyright or industrial property issues are subject to litigation before the courts: on the name of a trademark, on the creation of software, on the invention of a drug… To be recognized, the inventor must prove his anteriority . When it comes to intellectual property, the first wins. Proving prior art, in law, is not always easy. When a company is created and wishes to register its trademark to protect it, it will have to do a prior art search to see if another company has not, before it, taken the same name. In this spirit, anyone who contests an intellectual right, such as the registration of a trademark, will have to prove that he had registered the trademark before. The question is no longer Why protect your creations?, but how. 

What is Blokchain proof?

The Blockchain is a digital tool that makes it possible to store and date transactions, inventions, creations in an unalterable way. The courts recognize that the data protected by the Tezos Blockchain serves as a contract and constitutes proof of anteriority, essential for the protection of intellectual property. From this point of view, the Blockchain covers the entire period before the patent is filed. This gives great security in case of litigation providing irrefutable bases of anteriority. 

Our sustainable solution

This is the resolutely modern choice we have made to protect all types of creation, both in the scientific and artistic fields. The creator deposits his creation, whether it is completed or not, and immediately obtains his proof on his personal space. This proof is valid everywhere and all the time. The deposit is digitized and the certificate (valid indefinitely) is issued immediately.

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