Deconfinement: two applications that will allow you to avoid the crowds


As you know, the sales began on Wednesday, July 15. Who says sales, says a lot of people! In this particular context, it does not mix well with the crowd. Here are, for you, two applications that will allow you to adapt your trips according to the affluence! Sales started in France. Businesses have suffered a lot during the confinement, so they will do everything to attract as many people as possible to replenish the tills. Outside, it is not always easy to respect the barrier gestures and during the sales it becomes almost mission impossible! Fortunately, start-ups do not lack inventiveness to make our lives easier.


This app will let you know if your store is crowded or not. Just enter your geolocation. Then, the application works with a color code, on the same principle as a traffic light : the green sticker means that there are not many people, the orange that there are a few and the red, the store is full. On the same principle as the Waze application, you will be able to notify other users of the status of the store where you are. Very useful for window shopping in peace. Deconfinement: two applications that will allow you to avoid the crowds


Then: Affluences. This application is not yet available for businesses but it will be useful during this period and even after summer! Affluences calculates the peak hours of museums, libraries, swimming pools… and allows you to plan your trips according to availability. This will prevent you from clumping together in a full line in which social distancing is often absent subscribers. Deconfinement: two applications that will allow you to avoid the crowds   Technology is active for the common interest and works to develop fun and intuitive applications for the respect of barrier gestures. Now you are equipped to carry out your next outings. Both applications are available for free on the Apple and Android marketplaces.