Did you know that it is possible to verify an email address?


With the increase in spam attacks, it has become important, even essential, to be able to distinguish fake email addresses from real ones. This is all the more important if you work in web marketing. Fortunately, there are many fairly simple techniques you can use to do this. Read this article to learn more about the topic.

Why verify an email address?

There are many reasons that can lead you to verify one or more email addresses.

Improving marketing performance

As soon as a campaign is launched, a goal is immediately set. Information, loyalty or prospecting, it depends on the purpose of the initiator. Once the campaign is over, a review and evaluation should then be conducted to identify possible improvements for future campaigns.

These scans can quickly be skewed if your contacts are full of incorrect email addresses. All your identified data may be affected if your deliverability rate is poor. In addition, you will be at a loss since your contacts will never receive your emails and will not be able to read them.

If, for example, you need to send a message to 20,000 prospects for a rate of 0.001 euros per email, the final cost will be 20 euros. However, if half of these addresses are incorrect, only 10,000 people will receive the message while you will have paid for 20,000 individuals.As a result, you will lose 10 euros on your investment. This loss can become considerable if the number of emails is very high. Verifying email address will allow you to avoid unnecessary waste.

Protecting yourself from sanctions

In marketing, bounce rate refers to the ratio that indicates the proportion of undelivered email messages in relation to the total number sent. This ratio is a criterion used by Internet service providers to identify spammers. As soon as this percentage is high, they include the address of the sender in question in a blacklist, regardless of the reasons.

This can damage your reputation as well as your net deliverability rate. Also be aware that some email services sanction accounts with high bounce rates. This can be a temporary suspension of the account or in the worst case, its permanent deletion. It would then be better to check your email list to avoid these inconveniences.

Deliverability rates, open rates, and click-through rates are the key indicators of your campaigns. Do not hesitate to use the training to get up to speed on these notions if you do not master them. Knowing how to measure and understand these rates is essential to manage and improve any digital communication project.

How do I verify an email address?

It is indeed possible to test an email address, that is to say to verify that there is really a person who has this mailbox. To do this, you can turn to tools and websites designed for this purpose. The majority are in English but some tools are French and qualitative.

Thanks to these testing tools that are paid in most cases, you will know in a few clicks if an email address is valid or not. You can even use it to guess someone's address by successively testing an email address whose spelling of first name, last name or construction you vary.For example, you can test this kind of construction: prenom.nom@le-nom-de-domaine.fr or the first letter of the first name followed by the last name, or the first or last name alone if your contact belongs to a company with few employees.

How do email verification tools work?

Email address verification tools are simple to use. Simply go to the software or the web page and enter the email(s) to check. Once the process is initiated, the control will be carried out in two stages. The first is to check the validity of the address format.

Indeed, an address consists of three parts: the local one, the at sign and the domain name. If the address being checked does not have these parts in order, it is directly listed as an invalid address. If, on the other hand, the format is valid, the algorithm then checks whether the corresponding mailbox exists.

In short, email address verification is of paramount importance for digital communication. It improves the marketing performance of companies and at the same time, protects themselves from sanctions. To go further, also remember to protect your personal data. This subject is becoming more and more important, it is a topical issue for which there are simple solutions.