Review "Parasyte 1 & 2": an alien invasion in bluffing Live movies!


We are tackling a big issue since on the agenda, it is two Live films that we highlight. The Parasyte license will leave no one unmoved by an alien invasion where humans are a food of choice.


A young man will reach a compromise with one of them, but will he be able to cope with these carnivorous creatures?


This review contains important elements of the Live Movies and Anime; So it contains spoilers. To be read at your own risk. Be careful, some scenes are gory, sensitive souls abstain.



Parasyte Part 1 & Part 2

寄生獣 & 寄生獣 完結編


ParasyteOriginal title: – Kiseijuu / Kiseiju Kanketsu Hen

Gender: Drama – Science fiction – Action

Country: Japan

Release date: November 29, 2014 / April 25, 2015

Original manga: Iwaaki HITOSHI


Earth is invaded by strange creatures that parasitize on the brains of humans to turn them into cannibalistic monsters. Izumi Shinichi is a high school student living alone with his mother. However, he is the victim of one of these parasites that he manages to contain in his right hand. Thanks to Migi, the teenager becomes aware of the seriousness of the situation and, at the same time, discovers that parasites are infiltrating human society. Tamura Ryoko is also one and teaches at her establishment. Shinichi will have to fight to avoid the worst.


Main cast




Shinichi Izumi


Sadao ABE


Migi (voice)




Satomi Murano




Ryoko Tamiya

(Survival Family)



Tsuyoshi Hirokawa

(Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi)

Tadanobu ASANO



(A Life: A Love)



On the brink of the apocalypse


ParasyteThe plot around the Parasyte live-action movies takes us alongside Shinichi, an ordinary teenager whose life is about to be turned upside down by Migi. From the first images, the tone is set so that the viewer is fixed. Thousands of alien larvae are discovered projected into Japan in search of a human host to survive. We are quickly immersed in a post-apocalyptic universe mixing science fiction and survival of our species. The setting up of the narrative does not insist on the fact that one must have knowledge in the matter.

On the contrary, not knowing him brings his share of surprises for the novice while the others will find some key scenes of the series. The hero finds himself decked out with a new hand of which he no longer has control. The appearance of Migi was also a major technical challenge since he is as important as our protagonist. The alien-human duo works well by addressing questions about the two opposing camps and, moreover, brings a dramatic dimension! The two films are complementary because the end of the first ends on a cliffhanger making our mouths water.


Savior in spite of Himself


ParasyteNow back to Shinichi 's interpreter; someone with the stature of this antihero was needed. We enjoyed his acting although the evolution of his character is not as impressive as in the anime. This is probably due to the fact that he spends most of his time alone, hiding his burden from others… not really having allies.

As for Migi, graphically, the work is good apart from the fact that we sometimes have the impression of seeing modeling clay in terms of its texture and color. Nevertheless, it remains consistent. The seiyu (voice actor) fulfills its role well by giving life to a creature that evolves just like its buddy. Here, we have both points of view represented with that of humans and invaders.

Our teenager's girlfriend, Satomi, is the only anchor of our hero while bringing sweetness and freshness in a world where no one is safe from dying. The actress fulfills her mission to help the high school student rather well but did not surprise us.


Assumption of power


In the camp of the invaders, the actress who plays Ryoko is impressive by transcribing a woman divided between various feelings. Indeed, the psyche of the character is by far the most interesting, thus addressing the evolution of the parasitic race in order to live in harmony with the mennby becoming a mother and moving away from her race in favor of the well-being of the life she has given.Parasyte

Hirokawa is also not bad in representing a policy working for our cannibalistic enemies. The actor has a lot of charisma on screen although his character remains distant from what is happening around him.

Another protagonist who was eagerly awaited at the writing, that of Goto: a very singular parasite that gives Shinichi and Migi a hard time. We rewatched the cult scenes of the anime all as bloody and made with taste! The actor made it a mortal enemy at the height of the narrative.




Parasyte's live films are beautiful, transcribing a narrative that will appeal to a wide audience.However, the presence of bloody scenes may put off more than one without displeasing the bravest. The feature films are well made with an attention to detail on the highlights as well as a scripted coherence that holds the road.

ParasyteWe had watched the anime a long time ago, however, we easily entered this intriguing world. In terms of the special effects of the creatures, it is just as impressive as the anime and reminds us somewhat of those of the ghouls of the movie Live Tokyo Ghoul. In addition, the horrific atmosphere during the predators' meal is almost chilling. Some actors stand out more than others in their games yet, we have noticed only a few false notes from them.

The films are creepy, unhealthy and dark while keeping an original concept that seduces by bringing other interesting elements. The adaptation in two films rather than one was a risky bet, however, it is a good point since the two follow each other without any downtime!


We promised you and the verdict is final, the live-action film adaptation of Parasyte is almost faultless for its story or its special effects. You don't need to know the series to appreciate its events; You still have to endure bloodshed!


Parasyte Live Movie Trailer: