Death Note, written by OHBA Tsugumi and illustrated by OBATA Takeshi, is a work that has marked more than one reader! It is after eight years of absence in France that the manga reappears in a one shot with five unpublished stories.
Death Note : The Series
Synopsy of the series: Light Yagami, the best student of his school, leads a tedious life where boredom is at its height. Then, one day, our main hero will come across the Death Note: a notebook to kill any person when you know the identity and face of the person. It is then that Light will lead a tough fight against Detective L and the police to bring justice to this world filled with criminals and dishonest people. It is an original story with a very present suspense to breathe. The manga also has an anime released shortly after the work was released. In 2017, a collector 's edition of the anime made its entrance. The authors of Death Note, continue to make us dream, following the announcement of this one shot.
Death Note : the one shot
The one shot (manga in one volume) was recently released in France. This manga contains five stories, all different, but which remain faithful to the original work. The first story is that of C-Kira. C meaning cheap: a Kira "cheap". Meadra, god of death, will send the new Kira a Death Note. He uses the death book to end the lives of people begging him to die. Most of the time, they are dying elderly people or very sick people. For this first story, we will not see the face of C-Kira, which leaves room for our imagination. Perhaps the author wants us to understand that this Kira does not have enough to have an identity given his status ("cheap Kira"). The second story is that of A-Kira. Our hero's first name is Minoru. She is an intelligent person but does not show his potential in class. Above all, he loves to play quizzes, where he excels best. Ryuk, god of death, will send him a death note. It is an adventure that will take place over 2 years. Minoru waits until he is an adult to execute his plan. Two years later, he auctioned Kira's power. This affair triggers discord between two nations: China and the United States, which has Donald Trump as its president. It is a bouncing chapter, where the end is far from what we can imagine, very unexpected. For the rest of this manga, the author has reserved us a little humor with small stories in four boxes. It is easy to get out of the sordid universe that the author grants us in the initial series. It is in the middle of this manga that we find them, enough to establish a striking contrast between the previous and the following stories. We continue reading with the daily life of L, the famous detective with strange ways that make him a touching character. It is therefore in a few pages that readers will be able to enjoy his presence and learn unpublished anecdotes about his youth and his way of life. Finally, one last story is given to this one shot. We follow the character of Taro Kagami, a young bullied schoolboy who discovers by chance the Death Note. At the very beginning, Taro, not knowing the meaning of "Death Note", uses it as a diary. He describes his misfortunes, names the harassers and, unsurprisingly to readers, his comrades die of heart attacks. Taro will discover the true power of this notebook and the god of death. We can see here how this schoolboy reacts to the death of his companions. These stories show different uses of the Death Note. When killing from a distance is within reach of one person, the reaction of each of them changes completely. How about you? What would you do with a Death Note?