New shonen license of the catalog of Glénat manga, Ayanashi, by Yukihiro KAJIMOTO plunges the reader into a universe where darkness hides the unspeakable dead and where men hide in caves.
Ayanashi – Volumes 1 & 2
Original title: アヤナシ – Ayanashi
Author: Yukihiro KAJIMOTO
Genre: adventure – drama – fantasy
Collection: Shōnen
French publisher : Glénat (Volume 1 – Volume 2)
Japanese publisher : Kodansha
Release date: March 2018
Number of volumes: 2 volumes in France, 3 in Japan
Status: ongoing series in Japan
Price: 6.90 €
In an indeterminate place and space, humans and all living creatures, in order to escape the Onis, putrid monsters and destroyers of all life, buried themselves in deep caverns far from each other and almost without access to the monster-infested surface. The only ones capable of fighting the oni are the ayanashi, stateless outcasts who hunt monsters with their short flaming blades. Both protectors of the population and pariahs, their situation in this world is ambiguous.Holo, misanthropic and shy, is one of them. Accompanied by Hugo, his nice scout, he patrols from cave to cave in search of a mysterious one-eyed man to satisfy his revenge. On his way, he exterminates without fear and without pity all the oni he meets, whatever their size. While completing a mission, he finds himself seriously injured and is treated by young Shella and her little brother Torin. For a time reluctantly, something seems to change in him. But, despite his injuries, Holo must fight again when the city gates give way, letting evil in.
A gripping story
The dark universe and the nature of the antagonists raise many questions. We quickly realize that the characters themselves do not know much, which is all the more intriguing. Ayanashi is a dark tale, where life is all the more precious because it is always in danger. The dead are numerous, the fights against almost immortal beings are tough. A clever mix of action and dialogue, we are quickly carried away by the story.
A complex main character
In the midst of a host of endearing or enigmatic characters, Holo is a bit of an exception. His dark and tempestuous personality masks a great suffering where guilt and loneliness mix. If he is driven by his desire for revenge, a desire that converges more and more with the discoveries of the second volume, he is also a very sensitive young man who does not hesitate for a second to help the people around him, even if he barely knows them. An apparent coldness that actually hides a relentless inner fire. Undoubtedly, the third volume will shed light on Holo's past and therefore on his personality.
The graphics are, for their part, as detailed as readable and clear. The author appreciates the pen work, which gives dynamism to the fight scenes and expressiveness to the characters. Children, especially, exude something cute and pure in total opposition to the fetid Onis.
Ayanashi starts in a nice way and the story has a little original side, even video game, with zone bosses. Which is not surprising when you know that the author worked in this environment before coming to manga. Holo is a tortured anti-hero but who has a good background, although he is driven above all by his desire for revenge. However, by rubbing shoulders with other people, he seems to gradually open up to others. The questions are many and one wonders what the heroes will discover. Volume 3 will be discovered on September 5, 2018 in France!