The Attack on the Titans marked the history of Japanese animation. Season 4, the conclusion of the series, arrives this year. Part 2 of season 3 arrives in August in a very beautiful edition. Part 2 of season 3 arrives this summer 2020.
A high-flying collector's edition
The edition arrives on August 28, 2020. It has a lot of quality content. The mediabook box contains many interviews with the production team of the show, storyboards of the credits (opening and ending). There are also some bonus videos:
- The mini-adventures of the training academy
- The opening and ending credits without text.
Attack on the Titans season 3 is a series that shines by the quality of its animation. The script is full of elements of quality. The trio of Eren, Mikasa and Armin are about to fight a decisive battle in a new batch of intense episodes.
Attack of the Titans season 3: An attractive integral
The box set of the attack of the Titans seasons 3 arrives normally on August 28, 2020. Orders placed are shipped upon receipt of stock. Here are the Technical Specifications:
- Blu-Ray Collector's Edition Part 2/2 Content: Complete 10 episodes
- Duration: 240 minutes, + 11 bonus Number of discs: 2 (2 BD50 or 2 DVD9) Format: Blu-ray: 1080p – color / DVD: 16/9
- Original Languages: Japanese French – 2.0 Subtitles: French
- Video Bonus: The Training Academy Mini-Adventures (3 episodes) Opening credits without text End credits without text (2)
- Packaging: Sheath, Mediabook of 92 pages
Attack on Titan season 3 is available via the All the Anime website. It is a reference platform for all animation enthusiasts. There are many quality achievements. Sword Art Online, Children of Time, Golden Kamui, Your Name are among the series available. Attack on Titan season 3 is one of the best series in the history of Japanese animation. The year 2020 is the last act of a high-quality achievement. Be sure to be at the rendezvous of the end of an incredible era.