Our manga tips Glénat, Kana, Delcourt for autumn 2020


After a sunny summer, autumn begins under the greyness. This period is conducive to reading recent or old manga releases. On the program of this article, find our manga tips: the latest jewel of Naoki Urasawa published by Kana (the Big Kana label) and other pearls available at Glénat, Panini Comics… 

Reviews on Hikari-Man, the electric nerd

Delcourt has a rather varied manga catalogue. It contains big licenses like Food Wars, Jojo's or Fruits Basket. Some interesting finds do not benefit from the same exposure. This is the case of Hikari-man, a creation of mangaka Hideo Yamamoto. The story focuses on a young Nerd, victim of school bullying. He will receive powers accidentally. A concept of the most classic that can be found in many heroic stories. An author's tribute to superheroes? What are the highlights of the manga? The transcription of electrical powers is particularly successful. Yamamoto competes in ingenuity to give us a complete description of the main character's new skills. The urban settings are well exploited and serve the story as well as possible. They allow us to immerse ourselves in the heart of the plot. The action scenes are also effective and give pride of place to martial arts. The main flaw of the manga is in the emotions conveyed by the characters. They remain frozen most of the time. It is difficult to identify with the protagonists because of this Superhero enthusiasts will prefer the passion and carelessness of the heroes of My Hero Academia. However, the strength of Hikari-man lies in this intimate and realistic side that puts us closer to the protagonists. The hero is at heart with the electrical networks of the city and this symbiosis will be interesting to see in the rest of the volumes.

Wonderland, a new variation of Alice in Wonderland

Panini manga has a certain ease to find us some pearls. Yugo Ishikawa's Wonderland seems to be at first glance like a new variation of Lewis Caroll's book, Alice in Wonderland. We follow the daily life of Yukko, a most ordinary high school student. His life turns upside down overnight when all the inhabitants of the city are shrunk. We then go into a survival story where the heroine will meet Alice, a very atypical character. All the ingredients are there to make Wonderland, an apocalyptic tale. A city that is falling apart, the government that uses all possible means to keep control. Sacrifices, special encounters… This first volume is a beautiful introduction to a short story published in six volumes. The mysteries are numerous in this first volume and it is difficult to know where the mangaka will take us. Wonderland is the ideal manga for anyone who is fantasy oriented and mysterious narrative. The author also refers to an essential work of Japanese culture, Akira.

Tokyo Revengers, a classic but effective time travel

Glénat is one of the pioneers in the world of manga publishing in France. One Piece, Dragon Ball… These are just a few examples of the franchises they hold. Among the titles to discover urgently, let's mention Tokyo Revengers. We plunge into the world of Furyo, these Japanese thugs regularly staged by many authors. Takemichi is the main protagonist. He made a good one in the past, when he was still a teenager. He will have to change things to prevent dramatic events from unfolding in his present. Japanese thugs are a regularly used theme. However, we take pleasure in following the peregrinations of this apprentice-hero who does not have any particular abilities. His strong point, his determination to never give up in the face of adversity. The author delivers us a realistic story since he knows this world perfectly. He worked with him for 10 years. He proclaims his love for this "blessed" time when thugs did not prey on the innocent. An animated series for Tokyo Revengers is in the works. We understand why we are so attached to his characters. Lovers of strong friendships, codes of honor, clashes between brainless young people will appreciate this classic but impactful shonen. You can buy all the volumes of the series at Glénat.

Favorite for Blue Giant, the rise of a jazzman

We continue our selection of manga for this fall with another title of Glénat, the seinen Blue Giant. Shinichi Ishizuka is the author.He became known in Japan with the manga Gaku (named in France Vertical). Thanks to his experience, he was able to deliver a documented work that reveals mountaineering techniques with a certain meticulousness. A relevant story that does not leave insensitive the National Union of Mountain Guides of France. Let's go back to Blue Giant who tells us about Dai Miyamoto, this high school student who is passionate about jazz, this timeless music. It is not the musical register that speaks the most to the new generations. And this is regrettable since this world is the one that leaves great freedom to musicians. It is also an opportunity to break the usual codes. The genius Jacob Collier does it regularly in his creations where he lets his artistic madness speak. No madness on the other hand in Blue Giant, but we take affection quite easily for this lover of music who starts from scratch to tame his saxophone. Dai's determination to play to improve himself and become the best jazzman in the world is realistic. The challenge he is trying to take up is not smooth. It even stumbles several times which makes it possible to bring a welcome touch of realism. Dai seduces thanks to his stubbornness, the fact that he does not stop playing and shows all dreamers that it is necessary to constantly question oneself to evolve. In a society that leaves little room for creatives, it is easy to be transported by Blue Giant. A second series which is the direct continuation of the first tale the arrival of Dai in Europe, it is Blue Giant Supreme.

Our manga tips: Asadadora, the explosive title of Big Kana.

Naoki Usasawa is probably one of the greatest masters in the field of seinen. Who hasn't trembled while reading Monster? Which of you hasn't dreamed of having a band of friends similar to 20 th Century Boys? This mangaka masters brilliantly the codes of suspense. But it would be a mistake to limit it to this register and he shows it clearly with Yawara which is reissued by Kana. His collection of short stories Atchoum also shows that he can juggle between different registers. However, let's dwell for a moment on Asadora, his latest jewel whose first two volumes are on sale in the Big Kana label. Apart from Yawara, most of his works deal with dark subjects.Although the heroine Asadora finds herself facing Typhoon Vera (a real natural disaster that Japan has encountered), we feel the author's desire to keep a positive note throughout the first two volumes released in France. A bit like Pixar, Urasawa manages to approach certain themes from other angles. One example is the friendship that is created between the little girl and her kidnapper. Humor is one of the cards of the manga. It does not serve the plot which is simpler than the other stories developed by the author. After two volumes, we follow with pleasure this kid, a real hothead who should make us live extraordinary events. Here is the end of this autumn selection of recent and old manga that we recommend. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but it will give you an overview of titles that you can get. These are not manga reviews, but short reviews.