Volume 1 of Isekai Gourmets: the succulent isekai of Soleil Manga


Isekai Gourmets Magical Table Cloth is the new original saga from Soleil Manga editions. With Tomohiro Shimomura on the script and  Sato Tsukishima on the drawing. The advantage of Isekai Gourmets is its small size, which will make it easily readable. With this new isekai, it is the food that is in the spotlight. Traditionally, we speak of Isekai when characters from our world are reincarnated in a fantasy world completely different from the one we live in. Among the most famous Isekai is for example Sword Art Online. That said, the difference with Isekai gourmets is that it is not the characters who will be transported from one world to another but their food! And this, with the help of a magic tablecloth.  The first volume still leaves room for doubt about the quality of the manga. The last two volumes, however, should enlighten us. The scenes are funny, even grotesque, but the lack of seriousness in any situation may put off more than one at first. That said, our four adventurers Riedel, Hory, Frau and Mia, are endearing enough to get over this defect. We will quickly discover some of their abilities, but that's it. Almost nothing is known about the development and past of the characters. For Frau we will understand that it is a question of the honor of her family, for Mia she wonders about her origins. We also learn the link between the characters, but all in all, we would ask for a little more information. 

Who says Isekai…. Said quest!

The protagonists are looking for the Crown of Wisdom, which would grant the wishes of those who possess it. The crown is original and its shape is unknown, which gives it a more mystical side. The mystery around the latter leads us to the end of the reading.  The narration is a little jerky, the quest for the crown is told by a sequence of stories that have no direct link between them except the characters who live them.

…And the food in all this?

The characters quickly find an enchanted tablecloth that allows them to summon food. That's good, since food is precisely what they need to get out of dangerous situations. Travel in the desert, interrogation or meeting with foreign peoples… Fortunately, food saves them! If you imagined feasts, forget it. Here, food mostly takes the form of sweets very present in Japanese society… whose characters love and abuse! This is proof that Isekai Gourmets is above all satirical and funny, a manga to take to the second degree, made primarily to amuse us. Finally, even if it rather lacks depth, Isekai Gourmets Magical Table Cloth is a nice manga with an interesting concept and almost never seen. It's fresh and light, without any headaches. The perfect manga for breaks between lunch and two! It's available in bookstores since May 11, 2022!