[Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!


You have been waiting for it as every month, here comes the time to give you our opinion on a K-Drama that caught our attention. It will therefore be a question of a public servant who must associate with a notorious scammer in order to be able to do his job.Discover K-Drama: Police Unit 38 right away!


Police Unit 38


38 Task Force p1 [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!Original title : 38사기동대 – 38 Sagidongdae

Alternative title: Police Unit 38 – 38 Task Force – Squad 38

Genre: comedy – action – thriller

Country: South Korea

Episodes : 16

Chain: NCO

Broadcasting platform: Dramapassion

Release period: June 17 to August 6, 2016

Directors: Kim Jung-Min (Bad Guys) – Han Dong-Hwa (Bad Guys 2)

Scriptwriter: Han Jung-Hoon (Missing Nine)



Baek Sung-Il's job? Tax collector. An activity all the more difficult for our hero as the system seems corrupted to the bone. Tired of this society dominated by the rich and his powerlessness in the face of the distress of the poorest, Baek Sung-Il will let himself be carried away in an adventure that will put a little spice in his life, and satisfy his desire for justice. The price to pay? Dressing up as a notorious scammer as an accomplice. Who said that the life of a civil servant was easy?

Source : Dramapassion


Main cast


Seo In-Guk

Seo In Guk [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Yang Jung-Do
(Master's Sun)

Ma Dong-Suk

Ma Dong Suk [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Baek Sung-il
(Dr. Champ)


Sooyoung [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Chun Sung-Hee
(Police Unit 38)

Song Ok-Suk

Song Ok Suk [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Noh Bang-Sil
(Police Unit 38)

Heo Jae-Ho

Heo Jae Ho [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Jang Hak-Joo
(Police Unit 38)

Lee Sun-Bin

Lee Sun Bin [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!




Jo Mi-Joo
(Police Unit 38)



Doing your own justice

(warning risk of spoiler)


The story is that of a man civil servant of the town hall Baek Sung-Il whose job is to recover taxes from taxpayers. However, this activity is far from easy since his team has the worst figures in the department which consists of two other teams in addition to his own. What is the cause?Most unpaid taxes are those that come from rich and untouchable people. Their taxes alone represent several million. Just when he thought he had enough problems like that, he is embarked on a scam, he finds himself without money and is forced to ask for help from his police friend Park Deok-Bae.

T yoe9 [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!

After multiple searches, he finds his scammer who is none other than Yang Jung-Do, a former inmate fresh out of prison who then offers him a deal: he must help him pay those who are on his list in exchange for remuneration. When the legal doesn't work, why not turn to the illegal? At first reluctant about the young man's background, Sung-Il finally agrees to play the vigilante in order to make the wealthy pay. So here he is embarked on a series of scams to recover the tax agent and all this in the company of a nice bunch of scammers.


Scammers & scammers


The characters are numerous but it is obviously Baek Sung-Il with his stature and his temperament of disillusioned hero of the system that makes us want to go further in this story. An endearing man who does not hesitate to sometimes use force and ask for help from people who are not very popular in order to achieve his goals. Yang Jung-Do is resourceful. If he seems flippant, this one nevertheless has a big heart. He also developed a great friendship with his businessmate Sung-Il.

pu07 00130a [Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!

However, he also does not hesitate to sacrifice himself to save others since he also has the support of a great man working in the shadows. In the team, we also have Jo Mi-Joo a young woman who knows how to use her charm against money and who likes Jung-Do a lot. We can also count on Jang Hak-Joo a seller of illegal prepaid phone as well as Jung Ja-Wang a computer genius resembling a monk and a bit perverse. And finally, No Bang-Sil a middle-aged woman who has a lot of money and rarely separates from her secretary Choi Ji-Yeon kind of henchman not very talkative preferring to act. On the side of the villains, you will be well served, whether Ma Jin-Suk, Choi Chul-Woo, Bang Pil-Kyoo or Sa Jae-Sung, the reversals of situations and change of sides will be at the rendezvous!


Neither white nor black


The drama has found its audience with its interesting subjects mixing corruption, politics and money or the quest for power. Most scams are inspired by real events and we enjoyed discovering this with our official during his apprenticeship always filled with a touch of humor. In addition, although the beginning is quite slow, after all follows between betrayals and frame-ups in order to increase the pressure. The osts are not very numerous but recognizable in action-oriented moments or at the end of scams. We were touched by the story of the grandfather and his little girl, the money distributed from the top of a building or the moments of doubt between our scammers.

[Criticism] Police Unit 38: a civil servant and a scammer united against adversity!

Overall, the drama kept its promises by offering us a serious story with more relaxed moments; We will remember in particular the fight scene in the park. And that of the car chase. Moreover, this one was shot like the one we see in action movies which shows the meticulousness brought by the production. Finally, some will not have failed to notice the little nod to another drama of the channel that we had also talked about!


If injustices and seeing Atpic heroes tempt you, then, we can only recommend this K-Drama in tune with the times. Police Unit 38 is to be seen or reviewed on the Dramapassion website and available in full.


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