Becoming a self-employed entrepreneur: the miracle solution?


Since the health crisis and its consequences on the labour market and society, many careers have been called into question. Strength for some, and choice for others. While the market is pouring in young people ready to enter working life, the bravest stand out from the competition by adopting the status of auto-entrepreneur… The editorial staff has done some research to guide you in this adventure. 

What is self-entrepreneurship? 

In short, self-entrepreneurship is a status that makes it easier to create a for-profit business. In other words, it is the fact of exercising a commercial, artisanal or liberal activity through a sole proprietorship. You are trained in an interesting professional activity, you create jewelry, fashion or household accessories, and you want to capitalize on the goods and services you produce? Self-entrepreneurship may be what you need! But beware, the steps are more complicated than they seem and require a lot of effort and time. Do not think of taking the easy way out by using this process. 

The steps to follow for a successful self-employment

According to the Blog du Directeur – a website entirely dedicated to business creation and management, there are several steps to start a business. First, it is obviously a question of identifying your motivations. Ask yourself all the questions that will allow you to define the nature of your project. Why start your own business? What are your conditions? Where would you like to go? This is the fundamental step in the creation of a company because it will give you confidence in your project. The more you know about the direction you want to take, the easier it will be to reach your goal. This will allow you to determine what type of creation it is. Do you want to build your project from start to finish or take over someone else's? Whether you lean towards one or the other, it will require significant preparation work that will ensure a solid foundation for your business. In this sense, you will have to find an innovative offer in high demand on the market or buy a company that has potential. Once you have identified all these elements, you still have to present and evaluate your idea. What is it? Who is it for? Why is your business needed in the market? What do you bring to the table ? Who are your competitors? What are your resources? Through this step, you will have the opportunity to identify the flaws of your project and therefore, to assess its relevance. Then you will enter the creation phase of your project. A complicated and a little annoying step but which is more than necessary for the proper functioning. Upstream, it will be necessary to have clarified the following elements: are you employees within a company and how do you intend to get out of it? How will you finance the project? How will you pay the agents? Is this a project that requires protection? 

You can then define a plan and strategy for creation.

This requires the realization of a business plan. The latter will allow you to structure your project. It is a kind of synthesis of the previous steps. There are sites that will allow you to make a complete and effective business plan. In any case, it must necessarily include your problem and your solution, the state of the market you have studied, economic information, the presentation of your team, a financing plan and of course, a list of necessary resources. It is a document that evolves with the project, the elements contained in it are approximate and can be adjusted throughout the process. In all this, do not forget to protect your project. During the creation process, you will exchange with many people about this project, which induces a risk of theft. For this, there are various solutions that will ensure the protection of your idea and your project. Patenting, trademark registration, confidentiality agreement, studies of legal aspects… Only after that, you can start the search for funding. On the one hand, to finance research and development and on the other hand, for launch and creation. There are several financing solutions, but do not forget that with the status of auto-entrepreneur come many aids to which you can claim. Among them, employment center, URSSAF, European or regional aid, associations and / or organizations (BPI France, France initiative, entrepreneurship network, Adie …), innovation aid or tax credits … And that's it, after completing all these steps a little heavy but fundamental, you can finally move on to the fun part. However, we remind you that this article is very brief and that it only explains the main lines of self-entrepreneurship. Today, many websites are available to enthusiasts who want to try to create their business. These sites are dedicated to support from the beginning to the end of your project. So if you hesitated, now is the time to get started!