5 Instagram accounts that are good for morale


Right now, it's not going well for many of us. The cold sets in, and the sanitary situation does not help. But let's not be discouraged, and let's change our minds by doing something we've become experts in: scrolling on social networks! Just to think about something else and escape a little, Just Focus offers you a Top 5 Instagram accounts to follow without delay.

Relive your most beautiful encounters with @bamlarencontre

It must be said that today, meeting new people is no longer really up to date… Going to sports, restaurants and a lot of other activities allowed us to meet new people, even THE person. Because we are all a little nostalgic for these moments, this is the perfect time to follow "Bam la rencontre". We all remember a meeting, with our best friend, our soulmate, or our future roommate. These encounters that have marked our lives forever. The Instagram account " Bam la Rencontre " honors them around posts that celebrate love and friendship. Enough to do good morale, and prove that despite the situation, the world continues to turn. You will have balm in your heart as you read the stories of thousands of people who met and never left each other. You can even, if you wish, share your meeting and be published by the account. Thus, you too will contribute to putting a smile back on people's faces.


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A post shared by Bam la rencontre! (@bamlarencontre)

Get your fill of good news with @bonnenouvellefrance

What we are missing most of all right now is good news. We are tired of hearing only problems on the television news. What if we overturned the rules? What would do us most good would be to know what is going well in the world, don't you agree? This is also the opinion of the @bonnenouvellefrance account, which shares positive news every day. No more anxiety every time you open the newspaper, by visiting this Instagram account, you will learn each time to see the glass half full. Good news for the planet, animals, society, it's much better to keep morale. So, would you rather learn bad news that ruins your day or good news that gives you a smile?

Love messages on @amours_solitaires

This already well-known Instagram account is full of love, and we need it. In the digital age, don't think love letters have been lost. They are there, but in a different form. They are now in a digital format, and are notably hidden in text messages. Yes, young people who are always glued to their screens are able to love, too. This is what Morgane Ortin, creator of the account (and also editorial manager of the publishing house Des Lettres), is trying to show us. Via this account, reposting hundreds of sms conversations, the creator proves to us that love is still there, all around us. So if you need this dose of feelings, do not hesitate to take a look at @amours_solitaires, your little heart will thank you.  


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Retype your interior with the advice of @unepinceejoyeuse

There is no need to say, we have never stayed so long at home. Good or bad thing depending on the personality, what is undeniable is that many then realized that it would be time to change the decoration. And for that, no need to spend thousands and cents, you can do everything yourself. But if you don't have much inspiration, now you know where to find it. Julie, head of the Instagram account @unepinceejoyeuse, is passionate about DIY, DIY, decoration and sewing. A very creative person who will make you want to do like her. On the program, renovations of his house, furniture makeovers, but also a smiling baby who is embedded in some photos … for our greatest pleasure!

Travelling differently with @travelingchapati

Even if traveling is a little more complicated than usual, there is one that does not bother. Chapati, a 4-year-old dog makes us discover the world on Instagram. We follow her through her travels in India, Ukraine, Hungary… Traveling vicariously has never been more satisfying. We love to follow the adventures of Chapati and his parents in the 4 corners of the world. They make us discover fabulous places, which we hope to have the chance to visit as soon as possible. In the meantime, we take pleasure in seeing this influencer dog travel, who also makes us laugh.  

Bonus: Follow us on Instagram!

If visiting our site makes you feel good, come and join us on Instagram: @justfocus_fr. And now, Just Focus' Lifestyle category is also on Instagram! You can be notified as soon as an article is posted, but also enjoy exclusive content, and why not some contests … If you want to know more, it's here: @justfocus_lifestyle.