Temps Calme interview: A talented French trio


We had the chance to interview a French band still little known to the general public and yet talented: Temps Calme. A Lille trio that was born in 2018 and that we discover a little more thanks to this interview.

INTERVIEW Quiet time

Just Focus : You are musicians in several Lille projects (Ed Wood Jr., Black Bones, Louis Aguilar…), how did this adventure come about? Quiet time: Originally, we didn't really know each other, we had mainly crossed paths on dates with other projects. Like we shake our heads politely. Then, during a providential meeting at the market, Olivier proposed to Sam to set up a new project. Nico quickly joined the adventure with chopsticks under his arm. JF: Why did you choose this band name? TC: It is above all an expression that we liked in its sound. The bonus is that it feels like we're being talked about in schools and weather stations. JF: What is the quality that everyone brings to the project? TC: First of all hair qualities I think. (laughs) We all already have a good background in a group, which makes it a lot easier to work together. Sam and Olivier are at the origin of the compositions, they complement each other well in the writing. And Nico adds his pop drumming on that. After everyone brings his thing, whether creatively, in project management, recording, and graphic design. JF: What if I ask you to define Quiet Time in an adjective? TC: Glucose JF: How do you see the current climate? TC: Pretty much in a t-shirt so far, but I'll put a sweater back on soon. (laughs) Covid speaking, we kindly wait for everything to get better, we take the opportunity to refine the songs, think about live recordings, etc. JF: When will we have the chance to discover your album and what does it mean to you? TC: "Circuit" is scheduled for November 6. It represents a big year of work, but above all a musical discovery between us, as we did not know each other that much at the beginning of the project. (And to be honest, mayo has taken quite a bit.) So we are quite proud of the result, it looks a lot like us and we can't wait, hoping that it will be possible, to defend it on stage and compose again. JF: What do you hope for the coming months? What are your projects, your news? TC: We hope to be able to play this album on stage, with people standing, we know it's quite 2019 as a concept, but we're old-fashioned. (Frankly, we can't wait to get out of this crisis). Level news, we just released the single "Dancing Owl" with a live session. Then a clip directed by Dana Schechter will be released at the time of the album. A very nice interview with a more than talented group.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIoNlNip7Tw