"Lodge and rumors" at the Pixel Theatre


Discover Marie Petitjean's first solo on stage, Loge et rumeurs, at the Théâtre Pixel on Saturdays from September 23, 2017.

Dressing rooms and rumoursOnly one in comedy scene with 7 characters

Loge et rumeurs features Marichou, concierge, who tells us how everything changed in "his" building. One day, a rumor threatens his position and Gigi's miraculous honey, produced on the roof. Mr. Henry, the landlord, prowls and stirs up the dreams and fears of tenants about the promising success of this honey. Two clans will form. Marichou intends to divert the ambitious from their project, but does she really know each of them to get there? 
Marichou (and the actress 😉 ) multiplies to make us live the events that changed her life.

Written and performed by Marie Petitjean, nominated for Best Leading Role at the 2016 Les Petits Molières. Directed by Gaëlle Merlini.




Practical information

Find Loge et rumeurs on Saturdays at 7:30 pm from September 23 to December 30, 2017 at the Théâtre Pixel
18 rue Championnet – 75 018 Paris
Metro: Simplon