A red duck plays Indiana Jones in Antipode Dungeon +


Coming out of the Middle Ages to return to the harsh reality of a red duck. Here is the surprising program of Dungeon Antipode + in The Chest of Souls by Sfar, Trondheim and Vince.

Barbarians at the foot of skyscrapers

Dungeon Antipode + by Sfar, Trondheim and Vince Antipode + adds a new piece to the Dungeon by Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar. We totally leave the heroic fantasy to find ourselves in the contemporary world. However, we remain in an animal tale with an anti-hero. this is Robert de Vaucanson. In the first volume, this red Donald inspired by Popeye and the heroes of action movies escaped the volcano of Terra Amata. However, he is still accused of the murder of thirty policemen. This unfair accusation annoys him and, still clumsy, he wants to take revenge on his uncle who kidnapped his son by knocking on the door of his hyperprotected villa with a large wrench. He only succeeded in provoking a riot. To get out of this situation, he appealed to L'Atlas, leader of the entire underworld. The latter accepts in exchange for a small service. But what can a duck that refuses to do evil achieve for the mafia? The cartoonist Vince tipped Disney into a bath of violence. On the one hand, we find the influence of cartoons in the representations of anthropomorphic animals and the exaggerated expressions of emotions. On the other hand, the visible features of the drawing and the raw representation of violence evoke the American underground school. It's a bit like Fritz the Cat or Robert Crumb offering their version of Fantasia. The colorist Walter also participates in this fusion by bright or very gray colors.

Heroic fantasy of thetwenty-first century

The Chest of Souls by Sfar, Trondheim and Vince In Dungeon Antipode + Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar mix the current reality with the locations of the original series. We stay in Vaucanson where there is a dungeon represented by a grand tour but everything else is modernized. It is not only a question of bringing cars and CRS into the series but the narrative is fully in thetwenty-first century. The head of the mafia, whose office resembles that of the Guardian, is a woman and his title is a term of only 25 years. If domestic violence exists, it is perpetrated by a woman. Monsieur de Vaucanson is a TV producer ready to do anything for an extra audience share. Robert de Vaucanson is the symbol of the contemporary world tipping over into the world of the Dungeon. He doesn't believe in magic. However, he goes looking for the artifact from the soul chest to save his son. In many ways, he is reminiscent of Herbert. He is also clumsy and naïve. Like him, he has the gift of putting himself in the worst situations and then making his case worse. To get his son out of the lithium mines, he becomes Indiana Jones. If he wears the Harrison Ford costume, he is much more clumsy in the jungle. As soon as he arrived, he was arrested by an assistant from the fraud office. The rest of his archaeological journey will be explosive. If Antipode + seems at first very far from the basic concept of Dungeon, we find the same alliance between action and humor. The landscape changes but the fun and troubles of the anti-hero remain. Published since its beginnings by Delcourt, the Dungeon universe impresses with its malleable side to all the experiments of the medieval Asian narrative from Twilight to this contemporary tragicomedy. You will find on these links chronicles of the same universe in the Antipodes and on a daycare.